The Planned Depopulation DIE-OFF Begins

Life insurance payouts skyrocket 258% as post-vaccine deaths rapidly accelerate Natural News – In a little-known Reuters story that garnered almost no attention in the corporate media, Dutch insurer Aegon revealed its third quarter, 2021 life insurance payouts skyrocketed 258% compared to third quarter, 2020 payouts. The difference, of course, is found in Covid vaccines. … Click here to Read more

The Peter Daszak Eco Health Alliance Ruse

The Peter Daszak Eco Health Alliance ruse is disintegrating after the smoking gun was discovered. In fact The chairman of the Lancet COVID-19 origins task force tied to Peter Daszak and Eco Health Alliance just disbanded. But will Congress properly address it without it just becoming a debate between the scientific jargon of researchers? And … Click here to Read more

Catholic Cardinal Says the China Virus is Being Used to Usher in the New World Order

Top Catholic Cardinal: COVID-19 Being Used to Usher in ‘Satanic’ Great Reset Niamh Harris | News Punch – One of America’s most powerful Catholic leaders, Cardinal Raymond Burke, has warned that the COVID-19 pandemic is being exploited by supporters of “The Great Reset” to “advance their evil agenda.” Cardinal Burke gave a sermon in which … Click here to Read more

Psychological Warfare Disguised as a Pandemic Threat

Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Psychological Warfare Disguised as a Pandemic Threat  By John W. Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute “Look! You fools! You’re in danger! Can’t you see? They’re after you! They’re after all of us! Our wives…our children…they’re here already! You’re next!”—Dr. Miles Bennell, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) It’s like Invasion … Click here to Read more

Main China Virus Test Flawed

Global Team of Experts Finds 10 ‘Fatal Flaws’ in Main COVID Test Peter Andrews | RT – A peer review of the paper on which most Covid testing is based has comprehensively debunked the science behind it, finding major flaws. They conclude it’s utterly unsuitable as a means for diagnosis – and the fall-out is … Click here to Read more

Top Pathologist: Coronavirus is The Greatest Hoax Ever!

Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public” Paul Joseph Watson | Info Wars – Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.” Hodkinson’s comments were made … Click here to Read more

WHO Europe Director Says Governments Should Stop Enforcing Lockdowns

Paul Joseph Watson | Info Wars – The World Health Organization’s Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge says governments should stop enforcing lockdowns, unless as a “last resort,” because the impact on other areas of health and mental well-being is more damaging. In an interview with Euro News, Kluge cautioned against the imposition of more … Click here to Read more

PROOF the China Virus Was a Plandemic Back in 2017

Proof That the Pandemic Was Planned With a Purpose Originally Posted at Stop World Control Also see Plandemic the Movie Medical doctors declare that the pandemic was planned A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1) ‘The Corona panic is … Click here to Read more

The Communist News Network CNN: We’re Never Getting Back to Normal

Wearing face masks is going to become “permanent.” Paul Joseph Watson | CNN has published an article asserting that people need to accept that things are never “getting back to normal” and that mandatory coronavirus restrictions such as wearing face masks will become “permanent”. In a piece titled ‘There is no getting ‘back to … Click here to Read more

Chinese Propaganda Campaign is What Has Caused the World to Go Into Lockdown

Research Shows Deliberate Chinese Propaganda Campaign Forced World Into Lockdown Communist regime flooded social media with fake videos and bots to whip up COVID hysteria. Paul Joseph Watson | Info Wars – Researcher and attorney Michael P. Senger suggests that the Chinese government launched an aggressive propaganda campaign to exaggerate the severity of coronavirus in … Click here to Read more

Communist Mayor of Houston Texas is Collecting Blood Samples for the China Virus!

This Devil “strongly encourages” Houstonian’s voluntary participation. This is the frog in the pot of water to see what they can get away with!  And if you resist, they will haul you off to a reeducation camp!  Dem Mayor Launches Study That Will Collect Blood Samples From Randomly Selected Houston Homes Communist Sylvester Turner “strongly … Click here to Read more