The January 6th Deception Run By The Communist Democrats and RINOs Implodes

Jon Bowne – The future of American Providence is being diverted by a spineless tax money pit salesman from California known as Adam SCHIFF and his fellow committee members who have lost all sight of the will, questions, and evidence of the American people. As the Washington Times reported “Rep. Adam B. Schiff, chairman of … Click here to Read more

Jezebel Jankowicz A Queen of Disinformation!

Attorneys General from 20 conservative states are threatening legal action against the Department of Homeland Security’s newly formed Disinformation Governance Board, which they said will have a chilling effect on freedom of expression and described as “un-American.” If it were that simple, It would merely be irony that the Biden Administration lead by its chronic … Click here to Read more

Hey Filthy Communist Leftists: We Are Americans Not Far-Right Extremists

The establishment continues to portray patriots as extremists It has gone on long enough… The left has increasingly branded everyone in America that doesn’t agree with their narrative with every bigoted title under the sun. In particular, the left as they are comfortable calling themselves, have thrown a wide net over the rest of America … Click here to Read more

Vote Fraud Sting Operation Launched on the Communist Democrats

Intelligence Insider: President Trump Setup Democrats In “Sting Operation” To Catch Them Stealing Election! Dr. Steve Pieczenick drops a huge bombshell exclusively on The War Room. Dr. Pieczenick claims that election ballots across America have been watermarked and the Democrats will be exposed when they attempt to cheat! YouTube took down this video on my … Click here to Read more

Final 2020 Presidential Debate: I Don’t Want to Watch a Ballet, I Want to See a Street Fight

Update 10/23: Well, I have to say I am very surprised and must admit that Kristen Welker did a Fair Job as moderator. I have not checked, but I am sure her Communist Colleagues with Trump Derangement Disease are not happy at all. I am sure they will hate on her for being fair! I … Click here to Read more

Nigel Farage Warning: Dark Art Operatives Trying to Steal Election From Trump

Mail-in ballots could be abused to “reverse” election results, Farage says Kit Daniels | Info Wars – “Dark art operatives” working for Democrats want to steal the 2020 presidential election by abusing mail-in ballots, Nigel Farage warned. Farage’s warning comes as a pro-Biden firm stated frankly that President Trump would win in a landslide on … Click here to Read more

President Trump: KING of the JACK-ASSES and RINO’s

Keep Your Jackass and Rino, We have a Lion defending America Tina Garrison – The Washington establishment has failed us. They cared more about looking good in Paris, France than looking good in Paris, Texas. For too many decades American citizens suffered as  the Washington elite became richer and more condescending to we, the people. … Click here to Read more

Whatever You Do Sleepy Joe Don’t Debate Trump

Former Clinton Press Secretary Urges Biden “Whatever You Do, Don’t Debate Trump”  I have a solution. Since Joe is senile and deranged—CNN, MSDNC and the rest of the whining Sniveling Bastards are so butt hurt—let’s have a designated or pinch debater for these poor Communists. We do what to make it fair after all don’t … Click here to Read more

Democrats Paying Homeless for Voter Registration!

Four Men Found Guilty of Paying LA Homeless People For Signatures on Ballots and Voter Registration Forms Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – Four Los Angeles men have admitted to paying hundreds of homeless people cash and cigarettes in exchange for forged signatures on ballot petitions and voter registration forms in LA’s notorious Skid Row … Click here to Read more

RED ALERT: Full Attack Mode Needed Against the Communist Traitor Democrats

Roger Stone Issues New Emergency Message To Trump President Trump must not back down, but needs to go into full attack mode! Roger Stone joins The Alex Jones Show to issue a new emergency message to President Trump about going on the offensive to save his reelection.  

Pro-Antifa Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison Given Reins to Prosecute Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin

This man should not be in charge of anything!he is a Filthy Muslim too! Jon Bowne | Info Wars – Democrat Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who is marinated in white guilt and famously declared that white supremacists were behind the rioting and looting, has announced pro-Antifa scandal-riddled state Attorney General Keith Ellison will lead the … Click here to Read more