Adam Schiff may be part of Homosexual Murderer Ed Buck’s Human Sacrifice Ring

Birds of a Feather always Flock together!! Dose shifty Schiff like to kill black homosexuals too!! Adam Schiff Under Criminal Investigation In Ed Buck Sacrifice Scandal Adam Schiff Associate Arrested By LAPD On Pedophilia Charges Baxter Dmitry – News Punch – Dr. Bruce Hensel, a long-term associate of Rep. Adam Schiff, has been arrested in … Click here to Read more

Satanists at the NY Times commit TREASON! Trying to overthrow the United States Government

Journalists Go Nuts Over Rehashed New York Times Story

Daily Caller – The New York Times published a story Tuesday night claiming that there was contact between associates of Donald Trump and Russian intelligence officials during the presidential race. While the story states that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has found no evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign and essentially is a rehash of a previous story, journalists have gone bonkers over it.

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