How did Susan Rice make $50 million working In Obama’s Administration?

Conservative Daily Post – Several months ago, Susan Rice, the former National Security Adviser under President Barack Obama, was in a world of controversy. She made headlines the world over with her part in intentionally “unmasking” officials on the Donald Trump campaign. However, there is more than meets the eye with this woman, especially when money is involved.

A career in the public sector pays very well, better than most of the jobs in the country. At her peak income, Rice was earning $172,000 a year. That’s pretty good, considering that when accounting for a 30% tax rate, she’s still bringing home over $120,000. However, Rice’s net worth is $50 MILLION.

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The FBI should be all over HER like WHITE on RICE!

But saying that is Racist and Sexist as MSNBC Ass Clown Chris Matthews says, Right?

Oh I just did, My bad! But it is true. White does get on Rice seeing how her husband is WHITE. Or, is he one of those Trans-Racials like Rachel Dolezal, who does not know what the hell he is?

BLACK RICE says she did it for National Security and NOT SPYING for the Democrats!

Yea right! And I have some prime fresh water swamp land in southern Arizona for raising Salt Water Crocodiles I will sell you at a discounted price!

Her interest was not in national security but to advance the political interests of the Democratic party.

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CNN’s Token Black Homosexual Don Lemon Refuses to Report Susan Rice Criminal Activities

CNN anchor Don Lemon refused to cover reports Monday claiming former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice illegally unmasked and spread intel on the Trump transition team during the 2016 election.

Focusing on Trump’s tweets charging that Obama had bugged Trump Tower, Lemon claimed there was “no evidence” of this, and accused Fox News of spreading the claim that Susan Rice illegally shared Trump team intel.

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