The Pedophilia Outbreak At CNN

As of December 20th 2021 There are more accused pedophiles at CNN than Americans who have Died from Omicron Tucker Carlson Covers The “Pedo Outbreak” At CNN Steve Watson | News Wars – Tucker Carlson noted Monday night that “There are more accused pedophiles at CNN than Americans who have died of the so-called Omicron … Click here to Read more

Fake News is Covering Up and Pushing the New World Order Rollout

Consider this Folks…. When you are deceived, you don’t know you are deceived! And that includes your beloved Fox Faux News Clowns! 2nd Thessalonians 2:11 “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”  Isaiah 66:4 “I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon … Click here to Read more

CNN’s Chris Fredo Cuomo Wants Antifa and BLM to Murder White Children

CNN Declares Open Season On ‘White’ Kids: Genocidal Chris *Fredo* Cuomo Says When ‘White People’s Kids Start Getting Killed’ There Will Be Gun Reform   By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine Chris *Fredo* Cuomo took to the airwaves of CNN, where he is a host, and claimed that gun reform would only happened if “Your … Click here to Read more

Project Veritas Busts CNN Again!

We know they are an extension of the Communist Democrats, that is a given.  So Now their job is to protect and make China Joe and Commie-La Harris look good. But we Know that, so now they will Gaslight people with other stuff like trying to kindle the race war and push the Climate Change … Click here to Read more

CNN Says People Will Die After Taking the Vaccine: But It Won’t Be the Vaccine That Caused It!

These people are Lunatics! CNN: ‘Don’t Be Alarmed’ if People Start Dying After Taking the Vaccine “That won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine.”   Paul Watson | News Wars -In an article on the COVID vaccine rollout, CNN says that Americans shouldn’t be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine … Click here to Read more

Baghdad Bob’s at CNN Claim Kenosha Protests Are ‘Fiery But Mostly Peaceful’ As City Burns Behind Reporter 

Daily Wire – CNN ran a segment on the unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday night that featured a chyron claiming that the protests were “fiery but mostly peaceful” as a reporter who was on the ground stood in front of a city that was on fire. “What you’re seeing behind me is one of … Click here to Read more

Whatever You Do Sleepy Joe Don’t Debate Trump

Former Clinton Press Secretary Urges Biden “Whatever You Do, Don’t Debate Trump”  I have a solution. Since Joe is senile and deranged—CNN, MSDNC and the rest of the whining Sniveling Bastards are so butt hurt—let’s have a designated or pinch debater for these poor Communists. We do what to make it fair after all don’t … Click here to Read more

Homosexual CNN Fake News Purveyor Don Lemon 2013 in Telling Black People ‘Pull Up Your Pants’

Humm, Don Lemon, a Rabid Demon Possessed Homosexual telling men and boys to ‘Pull Up Your Pants’????  Don Lemon 2013 Monologue Telling Black People ‘Pull Up Your Pants’ And Address Black-On-Black Crime Chris Menahan | Information Liberation – This newly-viral segment from Don Lemon’s show in 2013 really encapsulates how much the left has changed … Click here to Read more

CNN the Democrat Communist Chinese Activist Race-Baiters are Fueling the Fire

CNN Compiles List of “Unforgivable” Statues & Place Names, Suggesting They Should be Changed or Removed Inciting the mob to target more American monuments. Paul Watson | Prison Planet – CNN has compiled a list of “unforgivable” statues and place names, leading some to accuse the network of inciting the mob to tear them down. … Click here to Read more

King of Fake News CNN Parrots the Chi-Comm’s News Articles

CNN Heavily Revises Article Called Out for Looking Suspiciously Like Chinese News Release When you look at CNN’s reporting and compare it with a Chinese military news release, the similarities are alarming As CNN continues its charge to deflect blame for the coronavirus pandemic away from communist China and toward President Donald Trump, the left-leaning … Click here to Read more

Crisis Actor Chris Fredo Cuomo Shows His Lung X-Ray

Fake News has their Crisis Actors in full lying mode trying to gain sympathy and garner ratings. Problem is the use know liars and frauds to help bolster their Fake News CNN Brings on Dr. Sanjay Gupta to Hype Chris Cuomo’s Chest X-Ray, Ends up Getting Fact-Checked by Actual Radiologists CNN continues to live up … Click here to Read more