The Evil Bastards in the World Economic Forum

WEF’s Harari Threatens Humanity: ‘You’ll Need To Relearn To See and Walk In the Future’ Human beings will need to “relearn how to see and walk”, according to Klaus Schwab’s lead advisor, Noah Yuval Harari, who warned humanity to get ready for a future that will be lived in virtual reality, divorced from the “physical … Click here to Read more

The Great Narrative: IS Social Engineering, Gaslighting and Brainwashing Humanity

WEF Founder Klaus Schwab Announces Great Narrative Initiative “We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.” – Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, 1950 This is really nothing new (Ecclesiastes 1:9-11) as the Bastard Luciferians … Click here to Read more