Lack of Fertilizer WILL Affect The US Food Supply Chain – What You Can Do To Prepare

Raymond Mhor – It is August 2022, the US food supply chain is in a crisis right now. Much of this has to do with a number of factors: We are still rebounding from the Covid 19 Pandemic Massive drought in food producing areas in the US Skyrocketing fertilizer prices Over worked food supply chains … Click here to Read more

The Great Narrative: IS Social Engineering, Gaslighting and Brainwashing Humanity

WEF Founder Klaus Schwab Announces Great Narrative Initiative “We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.” – Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, 1950 This is really nothing new (Ecclesiastes 1:9-11) as the Bastard Luciferians … Click here to Read more

Climate Huckster Al Gore and his Cadre of Luciferian Globalist Overlords

Man Bear Pig’s Global Domination Plan Al Gore and his Gaggle of Foolish Foul are Honking the Climate Scam Ad Nauseum Jon Bowne | Info Wars – Al Gore and his cadre of globalist overlords are determined to shut down civilization in the name of fighting climate change while they continue galavanting around the globe … Click here to Read more

President Trump MUST Enact the Insurrection Act to STOP the Communist Take-Over of America!

This Is What Will Happen If Trump Does Not Enact the Insurrection Act Within 10 Days Posted with permission form Dave Hodges Trump is out of time. If he does not enact the Insurrection Act, America will likely go through the worst purge in world history resulting in a Deagel predicted 200 million American deaths. … Click here to Read more

Serfs: You MUST Start Eating Weeds, Bugs and Drink Sewage

Great Reset: World Economic Forum Tells Public to Start Eating Weeds, Bugs, Drinking Sewage This will be your new menu if Joe and the Hoe take over! This IS Socialism! Chris Menahan | Information Liberation – The World Economic Forum, the masterminds behind “The Great Reset,” are now telling the public they have to start … Click here to Read more

Democrats are going so Far Left they are in Danger of Falling Off the Flat Earther’s Planet 

The Communist Democrats and the Flat Earth Lunatics have Commonality!! One Chart Shows How Radical Socialism Has Taken Over The Democrat Party With Moderates Begging: “Dems, Please Do Not Drive Me Away”  By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine The question posted in the bottom half of the New York Post cover shown above, was … Click here to Read more

Gone by 2020 Hoax: Can we get a Reboot and Reprint?

Glacier National Park glaciers are actually growing – officials quietly remove its ‘Gone by 2020’ signs Signs of the Times – Glaciers appear to be growing, not melting in recent years at Glacier National Park. Officials at Glacier National Park (GNP) have begun quietly removing and altering signs and government literature which told visitors that … Click here to Read more

Collect Cow Farts to Save the Planet

Jon Bowne | Info Wars – Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wants you to submit to the New Bovine Fart Deal as a new study from a California University has taken on the very important work of collecting cow farts in AOC’s honor. The Green New Deal isn’t an example of full-blown ridiculousness, this is extremely serious … Click here to Read more

New York City to Ban Hotdogs?

These Communists have lost what is left of their minds! This is truly IGNORANCE GONE TO SEED!!! 2nd Corinthians 13:7 “Now I pray to God that ye do no evil; not that we should appear approved, but that ye should do that which is honest, though we be as reprobates.” Iconic food of the Big … Click here to Read more

Extreme weather disasters are worsening in the United States

Written long before the deadly fires in California this month and Hurricanes Florence and Michael raked the East Coast and Florida, the National Climate Assessment says warming-charged extremes “have already become more frequent, intense, widespread or of long duration.” US natural disaster risk zones map. via Alert System Group The federal report says the last … Click here to Read more

Black Friday is Racist!

#BlackFriday is #Racist! I demand it be changed to a Non-Race specific term. I am going to sue the Trump administration because it is their fault and they did nothing about the Reindeer shitin’ and fartin’ that caused the wildfires!! Because of Christmas at this time of the year, ole Santa Clause done gotta feed … Click here to Read more