The Real reason for the North Korea Crisis?

Largest known rare earth deposit discovered in North Korea

Is this the real reason for the North Korean crisis? Oil, a pipeline, and ancient artifacts was the reason for the gulf wars!

Mining.Com – Privately-held SRE Minerals on Wednesday announced the discovery in North Korea of what is believed to be the largest deposit of rare earth elements anywhere in the world.

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Scud Missiles: Psalms 91 all over again?

Syria says it will Rain Scud Missiles on Israel if Air Strikes continue

If they do, only 39 will be fired and none will hit the target…. again! But as Steve Quayle comments on a headline at his website:  “HERE COMES THE BURDEN OF DAMASCUS AND ISAIAH 17”

Image result for scud missileMultiple outlets are reporting that Russia has delivered a message to the Israel government on behalf of Syria’s Assad regime stating that any more Israel Air Force strikes into Syrian territory will be answered with a barrage of Scud missiles. In particular, it describes what will be targeted and why. If a Israel air strike hits civilian infrastructure, Syria will launch missiles aimed at Israel’s port in Haifa as well as its nearby petrochemical plant. If strikes hit Syrian military-related targets, the Scud missiles will be targeted at Israel Defense Force bases. Read more here.

I remember in Desert Storm, 1991, Saddam Hussein firing 39 Scud Missiles into Israel. I also remember the late J.R. Church saying there would not be another scud missile fired because of Psalms 91 and Jewish Law. In Biblical times, people received 40 lashes for a crime. So to not break the law, in case they miscounted, they would administer 39. If I remember correctly, he said that 40 missiles would mean that God had taken his protection away and did not love them any longer.

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Iran vows ‘roaring missiles’ if threatened, defies new sanctions

Seems to me there is a Bible verse that parallels that: 1st Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”

In the first Gulf war, 1991, Saddam Hussein shot scud missiles at Israel. They fell short of the targets or went off course and no people were killed. Read Psalms 91 and pay close attention to verse 5 as you read: Psalms 91:5 “Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow (Missile) that flieth by day; They can run their demonic mouths all they want, but unless the Lord allows those missiles to come to target, aint nothing happening scooter!

Just like the Devil, Iran’s father, they are liars. John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” 

You can’t trust a Muslim because they will practice Taqiyya on you, as evidenced in the DEAL Obama made with them!

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Mass Graves found near Aleppo

Russia: Mass Graves of ‘Syrians Who Suffered Atrocious Torture’ found near Aleppo

Breitbart News December 26, 2016 – Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov claimed on Monday that “mass graves of several dozens of Syrians who suffered atrocious torture and massacre” have been found near Aleppo.

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Warheads laced with diseases such as Zika virus or Ebola could ‘wipe out swathes of humanity

Retired US Admiral and NATO Commander James Stavridis warns something must be done to prevent the weapons from falling into terrorists’ hands.

The Sun December 26, 2016 – FUTURISTIC warheads laced with deadly diseases such as the Zika virus and Ebola could wipe out swathes of humanity if they fall into terrorists’ hands, it is claimed.

These missiles, known as biological weapons of mass destruction, could kill up to 20 percent of the world’s population – 400 million people – in a pandemic not seen since the Spanish Influenza.

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U.S. Accused of Training Iranian-Tied Forces in Iraq

Obama admin denies charges, insists there is convergence of U.S.-Iranian interests

Free Beacon December 16, 2016 – The United States military is facing accusations that it has been training Iraqi militia fighters who are tied to Iran, a charge that military officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon denied this week while insisting that the United States and Iran share common goals in the war-torn country, as both sides fight to eradicate the threat of Islamic State terrorists.

The latest charge that the United States may be directly involved in the training of Iranian-backed militia fighters has reignited concerns that America is becoming too cozy with Iranian interests operating in Iraq, an issue that highlights the difficultly facing U.S forces as they seek to counter the influence of ISIS.

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Starving Yemeni Children

The only way to end the humanitarian crisis is to end the conflict!

Note: These Bastards want suffering. It is like a narcotic to them to see starving children while the live high on the hog and masturbate to the suffering of others. UNICEF, The United Nations is nothing more then a group of satanists in disguise!

Anti War December 16, 2016 – While the world is transfixed on the epic tragedy unfolding in Syria, another tragedy – a hidden one – has been consuming the children of Yemen. Battered by the twin evils of war and hunger, every ten minutes a child in Yemen is now dying from malnutrition, diarrhea and respiratory-tract infections. A new UNICEF report shows over 400,000 Yemeni children suffering from severe acute malnutrition. Without immediate medical attention, these children will die. The situation is so dire that over half of the entire nation’s 25 million people lack sufficient food.

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