Washington D.C. Mayor Bowser Partners With Chinese Communist Party Group

Grants Access To Top Federal Building Democrat leader collaborating with foreign enemy to indoctrinate America’s children  Info Wars – Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has partnered with Chinese Communist Party-linked “education” programs since 2019, according to an annual report. The report from the Chinese communist-run Confucius Institute U.S. Center (CIUSC) credited both Bowser’s office and … Click here to Read more

Proof That the Clinton’s Are Tied to Epstein and Cartels

The Fix Is In – No Justice for the Victims Dave Hodges – Justice will not be done when it comes to obtaining retribution for the children sexually abused, with some being murdered in hunting games played out by the elite on Epstein’s so-called “Orgy Island”. We know and can prove that the Clinton Foundation … Click here to Read more

FBI Uncovers Islamic Terror Training Camp in Alabama

And get this. It is Run by same Islamist group who created New Mexico terror camp in 2018 that the Bastard Judge released! The FBI has discovered an Islamic terror training camp outside of Tuskegee, Alabama, according to reports. A piece of property in Macon County has been described by an FBI search warrant as … Click here to Read more

Muslim Brotherhood Child Inductee’s: “We will Chop off their Heads”

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 goes both ways people! More so when you are not instilling the True Word of God in your Children! The government will Swat Team the house of someone who home-schools … Click here to Read more

The Government has Control of YOUR Child

A Santa Fe, TX minister said it best: “We have created a culture that does not value life, that does not honor God, that does not respect authority. We are reaping the consequences of those actions, and that’s not going to be reversed by a security guard or a metal detector.” “the long-term goal is … Click here to Read more

CNN can’t report real news so they resort to Elmo’s “wonderful trip” to Refugee Camps

“Elmo thinks it’s important to know that everybody is the same deep down and that’s very important.”

It figures the Communist News Network would buddy up with Elmo because he was once a Homosexual, and CNN LOVES Homosexuals!

Three lawsuits alleging sex abuse by Kevin Clash, the puppeteer who gave Sesame Street’s Elmo his voice, were dismissed by a judge who ruled the accusers waited too long to sue.

Each accuser, all adult men, said they were courted and seduced by Clash when they were underage teenagers.

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