Feds Admit Capitol Siege was Planned in Advance by Trump Haters: AKA Deep State Run Antifa and Burn Loot Murder Scumbags—NOT Trump Patriots

Ethan Huff | Natural News – Federal law enforcement officials are blowing the lid on the Capitol false flag “siege,” revealing that it was planned long in advance by bad actors who hate President Donald Trump rather than support him. Many conservatives are already aware of the fact that those who “stormed” the chambers of … Click here to Read more

Because of President Trumps Inaction the Chinese Are Coming to Take You Out!

But he seemed to do the best he could. After all, it is hard to get thing done with the enemy at your side!! So now it is up to US to Pray like never before so the LORD will take care of the Enemy! Trump’s Final Legacy Will Be the Betrayal of his Base … Click here to Read more

Covid-19 the Great Scamdemic Part 2

Enabling The Technocratic-Parasite-Class’ “Great Reset” In Part 1 we defined the UK State and looked at the driving forces behind its lockdown response to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO’s) declared COVID 19 “global” pandemic. Please read Part 1 first to appreciate the context of this article. It appears that COVID 19 has been exploited to … Click here to Read more

Covid-19 the Great Scamdemic Part 1

In This Together – Among many similar globalist states, The UK State is a public-private partnership between government, financial institutions, multinational corporations, global think tanks, and well funded third sector organisations, such as so called non governmental organisations (NGO’s) and large international charities. Through a labyrinthine structure of direct funding, grant making and philanthropy, the … Click here to Read more

The Communist Party an Enemy of Humanity: Chinese Dissident Slams CCP During RNC Speech

‘It is terrorizing its own people, and it is threatening the well-being of the world’ The Communist Party is not just in China. It IS ALIVE and well here in America. It is disguised as the Democrat Party, and Democrats ARE Enemies of God, America and the whole World for that matter! The DNC Cesspool … Click here to Read more

Ex-CIA Officer Arrested: Spying for China!

Former CIA Officer Arrested and Charged with Espionage DOJ – Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 67, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer, was arrested on Aug. 14, 2020, on a charge that he conspired with a relative of his who also was a former CIA officer to communicate classified information up to the Top Secret … Click here to Read more

Bill Gates Confronted About Widespread Vaccine Side Effects

At least 80% of trial subjects reportedly suffering side effects Patrick Howley | National File – Vaccine oligarch Bill Gates expressed apathy in a CBS interview about the fact that his Moderna Coronavirus vaccine, which National Institutes of Health (NIH) has a financial stake in, is testing horribly in vaccine trials, with at least 80 … Click here to Read more

Washington D.C. Mayor Bowser Partners With Chinese Communist Party Group

Grants Access To Top Federal Building Democrat leader collaborating with foreign enemy to indoctrinate America’s children  Info Wars – Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has partnered with Chinese Communist Party-linked “education” programs since 2019, according to an annual report. The report from the Chinese communist-run Confucius Institute U.S. Center (CIUSC) credited both Bowser’s office and … Click here to Read more

America’s Re-Education Camps

SEATTLE DEMANDS UNDOING OF WHITENESS! by Rev. Austin Miles – Isn’t re-education or re-indoctrination camps exclusive to China and other Communists countries?  Not anymore.  Thunder-headed big-bottomed leaders in Seattle apparently believe that what is good for communists is good for Americans and are busy at work transferring Americans from stability to a future life under … Click here to Read more

A Lot of People knew of Ghislaine Maxwell Grooming Underage Girls

Former Reddit CEO Admits She Knew Maxwell Supplied ‘Underage Girls For Sex’ Niamh Harris | News Punch – Former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao has admitted on Twitter that she and others knew Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell was trafficking underage girls for sex as far back as 2011. Pao attempted to walk back the … Click here to Read more

China’s Great Wall Of Murder

China’s Great Wall Of Murder Ben Garrison – Many years ago I had a conversation with a man from China who had relocated to the United States. He was a talented artist who became art director at company that hired me to do commercial art on a contract basis. He was smart and spoke English … Click here to Read more