Better “Nip in the Bud” People: Muslim Migrants Are Starting To Rise UP!

It won’t be long before the suicide bombings and beheadings start. They are being praised by the Squad Coven Members. The Terror Cells are just chomping at the bit—waiting for the attack orders from the Obama – Soros Cabal! Maybe they are waiting for the Communist Traitors to get in power—so they can reign terror—and … Click here to Read more

I Am Antifa: Terrorist Who Firebombed ICE Facility

Said attack was motivated by his opposition to “concentration camps” Paul Watson | News Wars – The terrorist who firebombed an ICE facility in Washington State yesterday released a manifesto before the attack stating, “I am Antifa” and said the attack was motivated by his opposition to “concentration camps” in the U.S. 69-year-old Willem Van … Click here to Read more

Muslim Brotherhood Child Inductee’s: “We will Chop off their Heads”

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 goes both ways people! More so when you are not instilling the True Word of God in your Children! The government will Swat Team the house of someone who home-schools … Click here to Read more

The The True Origins Of Islamophobia: False Religion that killed 270 million people

Islam is an ideology responsible for killing 270 million Infidels! Gregg Reese | News Wars – But before Islam, there was a peaceful tradition of religious philosophers. So long as Islam continues to grow without challenge, it will keep killing until the end of time, its teachings demand it. Below is another report exposing the … Click here to Read more

Muslim Brotherhood to be Declared Terrorist Organization

The Trump administration is set to classify the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, the White House said. Jamie White | News Wars – The designation will introduce new travel and economic sanctions against the Egyptian Islamist group, which has a membership of over one million. “The President has consulted with his national security team … Click here to Read more