Top FBI Intelligence Analyst Child Predator Arrested and Fired: DOJ WILL NOT Publicly Identify the Pervert

Do you wonder why the Criminals, Pedophiles, along with other Sexual Perversion is rampant and nothing is being done?  It is because MOST of those in LAW ENFORCEMENT and POLITICS ARE the Criminals, Pedophiles, and Satanic Deviates.  It is the Lunatics running the Insane asylum!  It is a pack of Wolves watching over the Sheep! … Click here to Read more

A Lot of People knew of Ghislaine Maxwell Grooming Underage Girls

Former Reddit CEO Admits She Knew Maxwell Supplied ‘Underage Girls For Sex’ Niamh Harris | News Punch – Former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao has admitted on Twitter that she and others knew Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell was trafficking underage girls for sex as far back as 2011. Pao attempted to walk back the … Click here to Read more

Who is Protecting the Pedophile Ring Top Dogs?

Trump Admin Suspiciously Fires Top US Attorney Investigating Billionaire Child Sex Trafficking Geoffrey Berman, the powerful US attorney for the Southern District of New York has been the lead investigator into the Jeffrey Epstein child sex trafficking case since before the billionaire’s suspicious suicide. However, this friend of President Donald Trump who contributed to his … Click here to Read more

This is why the Dirty Democrats HATE and are Fighting President Trump so Hard

The Sons of Bitches are all Filthy Homosexuals, Pedophiles, and the President is going after the Bastards! Mueller Witness Who Allegedly Funneled Money To Clinton Pleads Guilty To Child Porn, Trafficking George Nader admitted to trafficking a 14-year-old boy into U.S. for sex Gabriel Keane | National File – National File reported on the indictment … Click here to Read more

Two Pedophile Loving Fake News Outlets Unite

All others, including Fox News, are in lock step with them. They are all of their father the Devil! John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth … Click here to Read more

Trump Did NOT Participate in Jeffrey Epstein’s Child Sex Ring+Suicide (?)

by Rev. Austin Miles NEW YORK CITY: 8/18/19—Jeffrey Epstein was a self made billionaire. Not from being a clever stock trader, expert investor. or economic genius, mind you. He made his fortune on very weak men in the clutches of sexual lusts for little girls, that could not be controlled or contained.  With this savage, … Click here to Read more

Clinton Body Count Rises: Pedophile Jeffery Epstein Dead

Romans 12:19 “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” Complete List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously or Committed Suicide Before Testimony, Including Jeffrey Epstein The world woke up shocked to discover that billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein … Click here to Read more

Epstein Scandal to Bring Down CFR / Trilateralist Pedophile Ring

CFR-Trilateral Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Corporate Philanthropy Tied to Transhumanist Neo-Eugenics By John Klyczek Jeffrey Epstein is currently infamous for his conviction for soliciting a fourteen-year-old girl for prostitution and for allegedly orchestrating underage “sex slave” orgies at his private Virgin Island mansion, where he purportedly pimped out underage girls to elite political figures such as Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz, and probably Bill … Click here to Read more

Jeffrey Epstein’s Deep Ties To Powerful Elites Revealed

Greg Reese | Info Wars – Pedophile has links to celebrities, businessmen, government officials and royalty The Mainstream Media is trying to link President Trump to Jeffrey Epstein, but they ignore the massive web of global elites tied to the convicted pedophile.  

Jeffery Epstein’s High Powered Customers Threaten Florida State Senator Investigating Sheriff

Florida State Sen. Receives Threats Telling Her To Back Off Epstein Case Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – Florida State Senator Lauren Book, a child sexual abuse survivor who has worked to pass strict sex offender laws in Florida, has received “countless phone calls” warning her to back off the Jeffrey Epstein case. “I’ve received … Click here to Read more

Proof That the Clinton’s Are Tied to Epstein and Cartels

The Fix Is In – No Justice for the Victims Dave Hodges – Justice will not be done when it comes to obtaining retribution for the children sexually abused, with some being murdered in hunting games played out by the elite on Epstein’s so-called “Orgy Island”. We know and can prove that the Clinton Foundation … Click here to Read more