Communist Democrat Terrorists Officially Propose Giving Entire World’s Migrants Asylum in the US

Plan officially implements the UN’s “replacement migration” strategy Kit Daniels | News Wars –  A proposed Democratic Party platform would permanently open the US borders by giving asylum to all migrants across the world. The platform, known as the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations, would also provide a ‘pathway to US citizenship’ for all aliens … Click here to Read more

Blowhard Bill de Blasio to Protect Criminal Invaders at all Costs

New York City Mayor tells Illegal Invaders: We Will Do Everything to Protect You What about all of the other Criminals who are breaking the law? The Thieves, the Dope Pushers, the Pimps, the Prostitutes, the Mob Bosses? Are you going to protect them too Scum Bag? Yea, you will and do. But they will … Click here to Read more

Globalist’s Panic, Leftists Freaking out, Patriots Praise Trump Immigration Ban

The Globalists, Hollywood, and Communist Democrats are in Meltdown Mode!

The left is scrambling to unite against Trump and the banning of Muslims. Here are some headlines gleaned from various news outlets with Drudge Report leading the way in reporting the meltdown! 

EMERGENCY, Someone get some Midol and Tampons! Emotional Chuckie Schumer vows fierce Hill opposition with fellow Communists

This post will be constantly Updated with news article links as more Snowflakes Melt, and weak Patriot types grow some gonads and take a stand with Trump! Check Back daily!

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