Comrade Bill de Blasio’s False Facade

Mayor de Blasio Signs Police Reform Bills, Says Emptying Prisons Made NYC Safer Than Ever “You can feel the change coming!” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told a crowd gathered Wednesday afternoon, before a Black Lives Matter street mural in the Bronx, to celebrate the signing of legislation dubbed the NYPD Accountability Package, … Click here to Read more

Blowhard Bill de Blasio to Protect Criminal Invaders at all Costs

New York City Mayor tells Illegal Invaders: We Will Do Everything to Protect You What about all of the other Criminals who are breaking the law? The Thieves, the Dope Pushers, the Pimps, the Prostitutes, the Mob Bosses? Are you going to protect them too Scum Bag? Yea, you will and do. But they will … Click here to Read more

Imam: I Warned De Blasio About NYC Terror; He Was Too Busy Bashing Trump

“He did nothing” Says the Imam Not sticking up for that scum bag De Blasio, but you can’t believe a Lying Muslim! They practice Taqiya, the art of Lying.  See below after story. Paul Joseph Watson – Imam Mohammad Tawhidi says he repeatedly warned New York Mayor Bill De Blasio about the terror threat in … Click here to Read more