R.I.N.O’s in the Joe and Hoe Camp!

Several high-profile establishment Republicans have expressed opposition to President Trump and have signaled that they will actively support his Democrat opponent, Joe Biden (D), in November. Democrats made a splash during Monday’s Democratic National Convention after featuring Republicans who are all in for the former vice president. “But this isn’t about a Republican or Democrat, … Click here to Read more

Mr. Attorney General Please Start with these Domestic Terrorists

He can start with these no good Communists. Start at the top and work your way down Mr. Barr! Like they say, “the fish rots from the head down”! Barr says feds will treat instigators of riots as domestic terrorists under federal law AG says violence ‘undercuts the urgent work that needs to be done … Click here to Read more

Mitt Romney Moves to White Mormon Utah to Run for Senate

The main Mormon has moved back to the Demonic Lair to fill the seat of fellow Mormon Orrin Hatch. All of this is a prelude to RUN AGAINST Donald Trump in 2020! The Bush Cabal is probably behind it. You also can be sure fellow Devil Glenn Beck will be supporting him. Chris Menahan Information … Click here to Read more