Pro CRT Parent Threatens Fort Worth School Board

Domestic Terrorist? Pro-CRT Parent Threatens School Board, “I Have 1,000 Soldiers Ready To Go, Locked And Loaded” Self-proclaimed “revolutionary” threatens armed conflict Kelen McBreen | Info Wars – Parents in Fort Worth, Texas say they felt threatened after a man defending the teaching of Critical Race Theory during a school board meeting claimed to have … Click here to Read more

Domestic Terrorism Bill: They Are Using 1/6 The Way They Used 9/11!

And that Folk’s, is to usher in total control over everyone who does NOT bow to Baal, the Luciferians! “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Rahm Emanuel “Coronavirus an ‘Incredible Opportunity’ to ‘Fundamentally … Click here to Read more

China Joe Biden Lover of Antifa and Burn Loot Murder Calls Patriots Domestic Terrorists

The Communist Bastard, China Joe Biden is Projecting once again. Psalms 38:19 “But mine enemies are lively, and they are strong: and they that hate me wrongfully are multiplied. 20 They also that render evil for good are mine adversaries; because I follow the thing that good is.” Biden Calls Trump Supporters ‘Domestic Terrorists’ While … Click here to Read more

Cultural Marxism’s Origins: How the Disciples of an Obscure Italian Linguist Subverted America

Written by  Sam Jacobs – You may have heard the terms “Cultural Marxism,” “Critical Theory” or “Frankfurt School” bandied about. And while you might have an intuitive approximation of what these terms mean for America in the 21st century, there’s a good chance that you don’t know much about the deep theory, where the ideology … Click here to Read more

Communist Chinese Back the Marxist Terrorist Organization Black Lives Matter

Chinese State Media Outlet Throws Support Behind Black Lives Matter Posts cartoon of cops hunting down a black man. Paul Watson | Info Wars – Chinese state media outlet Xinhua has thrown its support behind Black Lives Matter with a cartoon that depicts police officers armed with pitchforks and torches hunting down a black man. … Click here to Read more

Updates on Operation Legend at Press Conference in Chicago

Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Updates on Operation Legend at Press Conference in Chicago DOJ – Today, at a press conference in Chicago, Attorney General William P. Barr announced updates to Operation Legend. Since the operation’s launch, there have been more than 2,000 arrests, including defendants who have been charged in state and local … Click here to Read more

Red Alert: The Communist MSM and Social Media are trying to Suppress this Burn Loot Murder Information!

Soros Bimbo BUSTED! Soros-Linked Bail Project Employee Rented U-Haul That Handed Out Shields to Potential Rioters Update: Good News—Soros Bimbo Arrested! Louisville Riot U-Haul Driver Arrested According to Leaked Internal Documents Jack Hadfield – Holly Zoller, a “bail disruptor” for the Soros-linked Bail Project, rented and drove the truck that handed out shields to potential … Click here to Read more

Is It Even Possible the Communist Lunatic Democrats Can Get Any Worse?

You bet they can and they will! So brace yourself, get ready,  and heed The Mike and the Mechanics song “Silent Running”! Luke 12:51-53 “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: 52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three … Click here to Read more

Antifa Girls DO NOT get Prettier at Closing Time!

Remember the song the Girls all get Prettier at Closing Time by Mickey Gilley? Back it my drunkard days that was true, but IF I was still a drunkard these days,  it would take an extra bottle of  beer and a mighty thick paper bag! Breitbart News – Several protesters in Portland have been arrested … Click here to Read more

600 Pound Burn-Loot-Murder Hog: Whites are Racist and not Human!

I am at a loss for words on this one, so I will let Scripture and herself say it all! Isaiah 32:5-8 “The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful. 6 For the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy, … Click here to Read more

The Ford Foundation that is Actively Funding Black Lives Matter and Antifa Terrorism across America

Organization funding BLM, Antifa terrorism linked to Biden campaign Ethan Huff – George Soros often gets the blame for funding much of the agitation in our country that leads to chaos, looting and rioting for “social justice.” But two other individuals who also deserve blame are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, both of whom are … Click here to Read more