Al Gore the god of Climate Fraud

Al Gore says God told Him to Fight Global Warming 2nd Timothy 3:13 “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” Breitbart News – Former Vice President Al Gore is now telling his climate disciples that God commands us to go forth and fight global warming. Engaging in some … Click here to Read more

Hines Ketchup is a Soft Kill Weapon? The Country of Israel thinks so!

Israel bans Heinz Ketchup because it’s linked to liver, pancreas, immune system, and brain issues

The Hines company is owned by Teresa Heinz Kerry. Yes, the SPOUSE of Swift boat traitor, Former Senator and Former Secretary of State, John Kerry! Both members of the Communist Democratic Cult who’s platform includes murder of Babies and the reduction of the planets population.

According to this article, Hines Ketchup is a Soft Kill Weapon, as are most other processed foods!

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U.S. Government Engaged in Weather Modification Since 1953

And when they got caught, Kay Bailey Hutchison introduced S.517 – Weather Modification Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of 2005 April 25, 2017 by Dr. Eowyn A recent article in New York Times Magazine of April 18, 2017, asks if it’s O.K. “to tinker with the environment to fight climate change”.Tinkering with the environment is … Click here to Read more

Scientist finds cure for Liberalism?

Being a Brain Dead Idiot may soon history only to be read about in history books! Experts excited by brain ‘wonder-drug’  – Scientists hope to stop all neurodegenerative diseases, including dementia Proverbs 26:3 “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool’s back.” (BBC News) Scientists hope they … Click here to Read more

Ass Clown Albert Global Warming Gore is at it again

A climate change meeting in Atlanta on Thursday had all the ingredients of a political spectacle. With Donald Trump, a noted skeptic of climate change science winning the the White House, a nervous federal agency scrapped plans to host the event. Enter, Al Gore. The former Democratic presidential candidate helped revive the conference and took … Click here to Read more