Dirty Democrats Creating Hundreds of Fake News Websites

The Tech-Giants,  Face Book, Twitter You Tube, Goggle, as well as the other major search engines, will help promote these devils. They do all they can to censor and eliminate any Christian and Conservative websites. Don’t believe me? Just go to one of my websites, copy an exact headline and check in the engine you … Click here to Read more

Google: The Enemy of Humanity!

Democrats, Progressives, Liberals, Socialists, Communists, whatever label they chose—I call them what they are. They are Luciferians! Natural News As we witness the shocking depths of criminality and evil being carried out by Google and its censorship agenda, it’s crucial to remember that every Google employee is complicit in carrying out these crimes against humanity. … Click here to Read more

Scientist finds cure for Liberalism?

Being a Brain Dead Idiot may soon history only to be read about in history books! Experts excited by brain ‘wonder-drug’  – Scientists hope to stop all neurodegenerative diseases, including dementia Proverbs 26:3 “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool’s back.” (BBC News) Scientists hope they … Click here to Read more