How come the Apple of Your Eye, the One You Raised is a Communist?

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So, that sweet, innocent  little boy or girl  turned into an Ahab or Jezebel! They grew up to be a filthy Commie! How did it happen, huh? 

Now don’t get your panties all twisted up. If this does not apply to YOU, just substitute THEY in place of YOU!

Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

  • You probably had Communist/Socialist leanings yourself. Dad was busy working and Mom was turning into a no good Feminist!
  • You, Mom, or that lazy baby sitter, sat them in front of the Television or other electronic device that started the indoctrination before they could talk or walk
  • You spared the rod and spoiled the child, Proverbs 13:24 –  Proverbs 22:15 – Proverbs 29:15, gave in to them throwing fits instead of tearing that ass up!  You never took them to the wood shed! 
  • You did not instill in them RESPECT, respect for you, respect for elders, respect for property.
  • You did not teach them gratitude.  Gratitude for all the blessings they enjoy. You did not show them how to be thankful, sincerely thankful.
  • You allowed the Communists in the educational system to further  indoctrinate them without finding out what the grown Commie Bastards 9Hebrews 12:8) were teaching them!
  • You were too busy being their Pal/Friend/Playmate to be a parent, as your child grew. 
  • You were so busy chasing youth, beauty and entertainment, to grow up and be a role model.
  • You introduced them to your drug of choice; alcohol, marijuana, speed, prescription drugs, cocaine, whatever drug you used to deal with life. 
  • You decided not to talk to them about God or take them to church and let them find their own way. Proverbs 22:6
  • You were to busy worrying about keeping up with the Jones’ to instill morality and Patriotism in them. You let the streets teach them!
  • You never taught them right from wrong, that there truth is not relative…There is only one truth.  John 14:6
  • You never taught them they could trust God. Luke 10:27
  • You never taught them that the Word of God is TRUE, and Science cannot be trusted.  Psalms 14:1-4
  • You never taught them that there really is a Devil and he is working every day in their life, to kill, steal and destroy. John 10:10
  • You finally sent them off to college to seal the deal, and now the punks are out rioting, stealing and burning stuff.

All of this is happening while the Commie Bitch or Bastard is still sleeping all day long in your house, as you keep feeding and supporting them, so they can once again go out at night terrorizing the rest of us!  

All of this accelerated into what we see today, I think, because God was removed from the school in 1962.

In 1962 the Spiritual downfall of America began. Madalyn Murray O’Hair brought the Murray v. Curlett lawsuit, which led to a landmark Supreme Court ruling ending official Bible-reading in American public schools in 1963. This came one year after the Supreme Court prohibited officially sponsored prayer in schools in Engel v. Vitale. (from wikipedia). That ruling by the supreme Court destroyed America. The Bible not being taught, no prayer has affected those who are now middle aged folk in leadership positions. Idiotic rulings like that has led to other idiotic rulings that keep being spewed from God hating, Bible hating hand picked Idiots! There is a spirit that has possessed the leaders and lawmakers of this planet. It is the spirit of Anti-Christ. Read more here

Romans 12: 19 ” Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”

She met a gruesome end, but how did Madalyn Murray O’Hair die? The atheist activist was kidnapped, murdered, and dismembered in 1995. Read about it here

And with that, read this. It was what inspired the above!

Why Your kid Is A Communist

Ray DiLorenzo | CFP I am not saying that every parent’s child is a communist. What I am saying is that there are enough young people out there with either an affinity or a sympathy for the communist system to make us all very concerned. The polls show it, the rioting proves it.

According to a 2019 Gallup poll, 51% of adults, 18 to 29 view socialism positively, while 49% view capitalism positively.

Parents, especially of strong Christian faith, can hardly believe what comes out of the mouths of their children. College-age young adults go into university as bright eyed, eager-to-learn fledglings and come out bitter, angry, under achievers.

Why so much of our youth has turned to Communism/Socialism

Why so much of our youth has turned to Communism/Socialism is a story of the last 100 years. Please, don’t give me that Democratic-Socialist drivel. It’s just another Leftist slogan to misdirect.

A group of Marxist intellectuals in the 1920s got together in Germany with the purpose of spreading the Russian Communist Revolution in the West, especially in America. This group of Marxists founded the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt to study ways and methods to spread communism. It became known as the Frankfurt School.

At the same time, Hitler was running roughshod over Germany with his fascism, much of it copied from Mussolini in Italy. Although fascism and communism are kissing cousins, each had a different scapegoat. Communism used class, fascism used race. In any case, Hitler wasn’t going to have it. He wanted no competition.

By 1933, Hitler had those who were involved in the Frankfurt School deported. They found a welcome home at Columbia University in New York City. They realized early on that what worked in Russia was not going to be accepted in the West, certainly in the United States, because of its strong Judeo-Christian roots and its vast middle-class…the group of people who were not rich, but definitely not poor. The middle-class had little reason to revolt. They had cars, homes with white picket fences, and were clinging to their guns and religion.

These subversives decided, brilliantly, that breaking down the culture was needed for the populous to accept communism. It included breaking down the Christian foundation, destroying the family structure, feminism, sex education, promoting atheism, hedonism, free sex, abortion, homosexuality, mass migration, globalism, multiculturalism, environmentalism, you name it. They advanced anything that would destroy the traditional family, culture and our moral foundation. Their goal was to set people free to drift, leaving generations of people with no anchor with which to tie on to accept the promise of a collectivist utopia.

It spread to every major university, junior college, high school, middle school, elementary school, and in many cases, preschool. There is an Institute for Social Research in almost every major university in the United States. Their teaching has been disguised in subjects like Critical Theory, a tool to demonize Christianity, capitalism, and Western civilization. Every student in almost every school today is being exposed to this trash, and in a positive light. Considering the basement level of morality now taught in our schools, Hollywood, and in many modern homes, it is no wonder so many of the young are breaking windows, shooting cops, destroying private property, knocking down statues of people their teachers taught them to hate and some they don’t even know.

The education system in America today has the stench of almost 100 years of indoctrination akin to re-education camps in communist filth

The education system in America today has the stench of almost 100 years of indoctrination akin to re-education camps in communist filth. Several generations lost to ignorance and degradation. Disneyland has LGBTQ Day, teachers are being fired or subject to a Reign Of Terror for being conservative, resisting the new morality, the new normal. Students are punished academically and socially for not joining in the sedition. Many libraries and even some U.S. embassies fly the homosexual flag. Most students are not taught anything close to the American history we were taught. And when they are taught our history, it is in a negative context.

Those political leaders whose lust for power has overruled their desire for public service has now taken over a major part of our political and judicial system, and almost an entire political party. These are the 60s terrorists and their children, and students. They watch quietly with approval as people are murdered and cities are torn apart as they scheme how to use the crisis to their advantage. Only mere pockets of sanity are left. Meanwhile the people in the media, Hollywood, and the Deep State, having attended the same miserable schools, equally indoctrinated, give their blessing. And all the while the church in America says and does what it has done for generations…nothing.

There may not have been a communist behind every bush like Joe McCarthy had us believe, but take a look now. Old Joe was right after all.

Ray DiLorenzo is a career pilot having retired after 22 years as a contract fire pilot with the California Department of Forestry (Cal-Fire).  He is presently affiliated with Stand Up America US Foundation founded by Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (Ret).

Did you raise a Commie? It is not to late to repent, and my not be your fault!

If you did the best you could and the little prick still went rogue, well kudos to the granny in this news clip, and the mother in the video below!

Trump-Loving Grandmother Outs Alleged Portland ‘Bomber’ Grandson

A 69-year-old Trump-supporting grandmother outed her grandson as the suspect who allegedly threw a makeshift bomb outside a Portland, Oregon, federal courthouse Tuesday.

The New York Post reported that Karla Fox recognized the alleged bomber as her grandson, Gabriel “Rico” Agard-Berryhill.

In the hours after the attack, social media users sifted through videos showing a slim man wearing an olive-colored vest with the word “ICONS” printed on it, throwing an item over the fence at the Mark O. Hatfield Courthouse. Read more at Breitbart News

Also, if they rebel, get out and do what this mother did to her son during the Baltimore riots: Baltimore mother who beat son for taking part in riots says ‘he will not be a Freddie Gray’

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!