How come the Apple of Your Eye, the One You Raised is a Communist?

So, that sweet, innocent  little boy or girl  turned into an Ahab or Jezebel! They grew up to be a filthy Commie! How did it happen, huh?  Now don’t get your panties all twisted up. If this does not apply to YOU, just substitute THEY in place of YOU! Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become … Click here to Read more

Luciferian’s almost have TOTAL CONTROL or America’s Education System

Globalists Seek Total Control of ALL Education In this interview with The New American’s Alex Newman, Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor warns that globalists and educational totalitarians are moving in for the kill on private and home education. She says government money and benefits will be the key to the takeover. And then, all children … Click here to Read more