The January 6th Deception Run By The Communist Democrats and RINOs Implodes

Jon Bowne – The future of American Providence is being diverted by a spineless tax money pit salesman from California known as Adam SCHIFF and his fellow committee members who have lost all sight of the will, questions, and evidence of the American people. As the Washington Times reported “Rep. Adam B. Schiff, chairman of … Click here to Read more

The End Of The World As We Knew It

And the Majority Feel Fine! Remember that song? A Generation of Brown Shirts! No Relief In Sight: Food Prices Will Continue To Go Up  The End Of The World As We Knew It Has Already Happened, What Is Left Are Shortages, Outages, Anarchy And Chaos – Just Look Around At What Is Happening Right Now … Click here to Read more

Feds Admit Capitol Siege was Planned in Advance by Trump Haters: AKA Deep State Run Antifa and Burn Loot Murder Scumbags—NOT Trump Patriots

Ethan Huff | Natural News – Federal law enforcement officials are blowing the lid on the Capitol false flag “siege,” revealing that it was planned long in advance by bad actors who hate President Donald Trump rather than support him. Many conservatives are already aware of the fact that those who “stormed” the chambers of … Click here to Read more

Dirty Dianne Feinstein Says She Hasn’t Considered Leaving Senate Early

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California said this week she hasn’t thought about retiring before her term ends in 2024 and defended herself against criticism of her job performance and questions about her age. “I don’t feel my cognitive abilities have diminished,” Feinstein told the Los Angeles Times in an interview published … Click here to Read more

President Trump MUST Enact the Insurrection Act to STOP the Communist Take-Over of America!

This Is What Will Happen If Trump Does Not Enact the Insurrection Act Within 10 Days Posted with permission form Dave Hodges Trump is out of time. If he does not enact the Insurrection Act, America will likely go through the worst purge in world history resulting in a Deagel predicted 200 million American deaths. … Click here to Read more

What Exactly is This Great Reset?

It is just word play for the New World Order. These Lunatic Communists even have a website called the Great Rest! Michael Snyder – The Internet sure has been buzzing about “the Great Reset” lately. That term has been trending on Facebook and Twitter, and the New York Times even published an article dismissing it … Click here to Read more

The 2020 Election Bamboozle: We Are All Victims of the Deep State’s Con Game

John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the … Click here to Read more

The Communist Party an Enemy of Humanity: Chinese Dissident Slams CCP During RNC Speech

‘It is terrorizing its own people, and it is threatening the well-being of the world’ The Communist Party is not just in China. It IS ALIVE and well here in America. It is disguised as the Democrat Party, and Democrats ARE Enemies of God, America and the whole World for that matter! The DNC Cesspool … Click here to Read more

How come the Apple of Your Eye, the One You Raised is a Communist?

So, that sweet, innocent  little boy or girl  turned into an Ahab or Jezebel! They grew up to be a filthy Commie! How did it happen, huh?  Now don’t get your panties all twisted up. If this does not apply to YOU, just substitute THEY in place of YOU! Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become … Click here to Read more

The United Nations is Running Antifa – The Anarchists!

UN begins actively undermining Trump administration’s efforts to bring law and order to American cities by authorizing “support” for anarchists JD Heyes | Natural News – No doubt the headline sounds like a massive conspiracy theory of the tinfoil hat kind, but if we had not seen the reports ourselves and the documentation, we wouldn’t … Click here to Read more

America’s Re-Education Camps

SEATTLE DEMANDS UNDOING OF WHITENESS! by Rev. Austin Miles – Isn’t re-education or re-indoctrination camps exclusive to China and other Communists countries?  Not anymore.  Thunder-headed big-bottomed leaders in Seattle apparently believe that what is good for communists is good for Americans and are busy at work transferring Americans from stability to a future life under … Click here to Read more