Crimes Against Humanity: What happened to the Hippocratic Oath?

Numbers 30:2 “If a man vow a vow unto the LORD, or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth.”   Doctors traditionally take the Hippocratic Oath upon graduation from medical school. So why are … Click here to Read more

Big Pharma is being Exposed!

The Pharmaceutical Narrative is Failing Bretigne Shaffer – So now we don’t have to listen to what those doctors said in front of the US Supreme Court, because it turns out that one of them has some whacky beliefs about sex with demons causing reproductive disorders. What a relief. I’m not going to pretend that the … Click here to Read more

What do Mass Killers have in Common?

Proverbs 1:10-11 “My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.11 If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause:” MK Ultra and Mass Murderers    Mass Murderers and School Shootings What A Criminology Professor Learned By Studying Every Mass Shooting Since 1966 Via … Click here to Read more

We Need Criminal and Crazy Control, Not Gun Control

Hey People, nut cases don’t need a Gun to KILL! All they need is a Demented Mind!! They will use whatever device they can get. The U.K. has banned Guns yet the demented, Muslims mostly, grab a knife or run people down with a vehicle! They use suicide bombs as well! It is NOT a … Click here to Read more

Stem School Killer was looked at MONTHS before!

Must have been his ‘Handlers” making sure he was programmed correctly! Will we learn he was on Medication like 99.9% of the other killers? Will we learn he has seen a Psychiatrist? According to the following article it would indicate there are many more Killers in training at this school of Joseph Mengele! Colorado School … Click here to Read more

SHOCKING! A Blast of Electricity can make you RE-LIVE your Dreams or your Nightmares!

Psalms 4:8 “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.” This must be the reason why Leftists and RINO’s, you know……. the Swamp Creatures, are in another reality. I bet they found out about this, and……, like being an addicted Crack Whore, are sticking … Click here to Read more

The Connection between Mass Shootings and Psychiatric Drugs

Sprinkle enough drugs among enough people and you get otherwise unexplainable violence popping up… Jon Rappoport – I’ve been tracking the connection since 1999, when I wrote a long white paper, for the Truth Seeker Foundation, on school shootings and psychiatric drugs. The paper was titled: “Why Do They Do It? School shootings Across America.” … Click here to Read more

MK Ultra and Mass Murderers

A history of CIA mind control and the monsters it creates Jamie White – New questions about guns and mental health have surged to the front of the national debate in the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooting. And, like several infamous tragedies in American history, the circumstances surrounding the shooting by 19-year-old … Click here to Read more

Fox News and Sean Hannity in Bed with and Protecting the Drug Companies

Illustrating his network’s subservience to big pharma, FOX News’ Sean Hannity blatantly cut off a reporter when she mentioned the fact that most mass shootings are linked to psychotropic drugs. Also see: Big Pharma gives MSM Billions in Ad Revenue From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings? Free Thought Project –  Stephen … Click here to Read more

Big Pharma gives MSM Billions in Ad Revenue

Mind-Altering Drug Makers Fund Anti-Gun Media.  So the Blood of all the children who have been murdered by psychos on anti-depressants and all other drugs prescribed by Quacks, peddled by pharmacists, and then pushed by ads on TV, are on their hands and GOD will hold them accountable! Kit Daniels –  It isn’t surprising the … Click here to Read more