911 – What about Building 7?

The Deep State got away with it! 22 years later no one has been investigated! Monumental analysis that shatters the official narrative on what really happened to Building 7 on September 11, 2001

What Are The Enemies of Humanity Going To Do Next?

Klaus Schwab is telling you what the future has in store! Warning: Major Cyber Attack may be the next event to happen! The global elite are telling you what they have planned next to bring you into submission. A terrifying warning from the World Economic Forum. Are you ready? “Pay insufficient attention, to the frightening … Click here to Read more

Drone Attack Against US Electricity Grid

Department of Homeland Security Reports First-ever Known Drone Attack Against US Electricity Grid Jamie White | News Wars – Last year, US authorities reported a series of incidents involving unidentified drones buzzing US infrastructure and military assets. However, none of the past reported cases were known to involve direct attacks on facilities or equipment. A … Click here to Read more

America Is Now Just Nine Meals Away From Anarchy

Massive Civil Unrest PROVOKED on Purpose Mike Adams | Natural News – Mass famine has been engineered into the coordinated takedown of the United States of America, and it’s already too late to reverse it. Widespread food scarcity is already “baked in,” so to speak, and now it’s only a matter of time as the … Click here to Read more

Floyd Ray Roseberry: Another Staged Event by the FBI to USURP more Power over the Serfs!

The MSM dose not seem to be like flies on poop with this one. Why? You will see that the FBI was behind it like they always are. It’s a STAGED EVENT!! Wake up people!  “Patsy” Behind Capitol Threat Told Feds His “Bomb” Was “Built by Y’all’s People,” “The People Y’all Had in The Military” … Click here to Read more

Look for a False Flag: Ten Pounds of Explosives Stolen from Sodomy State Military Base

Is another Patsy like Timothy McVeigh or Terry Nichols about to come on the scene? What, and WHEN, are the feds going to blow up to blame on Patriots? All signs and signals coming from the Communist Democrats, R.I.N.O’s, and Fake News Talking Heads indicate there is something afoot! It is not a matter IF … Click here to Read more

The Days of Yesteryear: You Were Warned Long Ago!

“In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” – Mark Twain

Domestic Terrorism Bill: They Are Using 1/6 The Way They Used 9/11!

And that Folk’s, is to usher in total control over everyone who does NOT bow to Baal, the Luciferians! “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Rahm Emanuel “Coronavirus an ‘Incredible Opportunity’ to ‘Fundamentally … Click here to Read more

Burning Down The House: The Luciferian’s are on a Rampage!

Burning Down the House by the Talking Heads. Band name is Apropos for all the Democrat and R.I.N.O Scum! Democrats ‘waging a scorched earth campaign to silence’ opponents ‘Everyone who thought Biden’s victory would lower the temperature was sold a bill of goods’   J. Peder Zane | Real Clear Politics – The Jan. 6 … Click here to Read more

Feds Admit Capitol Siege was Planned in Advance by Trump Haters: AKA Deep State Run Antifa and Burn Loot Murder Scumbags—NOT Trump Patriots

Ethan Huff | Natural News – Federal law enforcement officials are blowing the lid on the Capitol false flag “siege,” revealing that it was planned long in advance by bad actors who hate President Donald Trump rather than support him. Many conservatives are already aware of the fact that those who “stormed” the chambers of … Click here to Read more

President Trump MUST Enact the Insurrection Act to STOP the Communist Take-Over of America!

This Is What Will Happen If Trump Does Not Enact the Insurrection Act Within 10 Days Posted with permission form Dave Hodges Trump is out of time. If he does not enact the Insurrection Act, America will likely go through the worst purge in world history resulting in a Deagel predicted 200 million American deaths. … Click here to Read more