The Monkey Pox Fear Mongering and What You Need to Know

MonkeyPox Fears May Rescue Endangered Corporations Two corrupt companies were in rocky financial territory just a few weeks ago. Now, with concerns over a global monkeypox outbreak being hyped by media and global health organizations alike, the worries – and sins – of these two firms are quickly being forgotten. Monkeypox Vaccine Funded By Fauci … Click here to Read more

Evidence Shows United States Military Involved in Bio-Weapon Labs in the Ukraine

Russian Embassy Claims US Filled Ukraine With Bio-Labs To Genetically Target Russians Russians accuse America of engaging in research to ‘destroy the Russian people at the genetic level’ Kelen McBreen | News Wars – A CNN affiliate in Southeastern Europe claims the Russian Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina made bold accusations directed at the United … Click here to Read more

Vaccines are 1000 Percent more Deadly than the Covid19 Bio Weapon

The establishment can’t afford to let this information go viral According to multiple studies, the fully vaccinated are at a higher risk of injury and death than the unvaxxed.

Crimes Against Humanity: What happened to the Hippocratic Oath?

Numbers 30:2 “If a man vow a vow unto the LORD, or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth.”   Doctors traditionally take the Hippocratic Oath upon graduation from medical school. So why are … Click here to Read more

Globalist Stooge Joe Biden Again Warns of a Dark Winter

Deep State Code Words For A Bio-Warfare Attack Upon America Also take a look at this info! WHO is Watching the Watchers? Death Delivered To The Front Door Being Rolled Out In America By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die With Democrats now in control of the national political apparatus … Click here to Read more

President Trump To allow Secretary of State Mike Pompeo To Present ‘Bombshell’ Evidence That COVID 19 Came From Wuhan Lab

Steve Watson | News Wars – In one of his last acts as President, Donald Trump is set to declassify ‘bombshell’ evidence linking the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the outbreak of COVID-19, according to a report. Trump’s outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is planning to stage an  ‘intervention’, outlining evidence that the coronavirus leaked … Click here to Read more

PROOF the China Virus Was a Plandemic Back in 2017

Proof That the Pandemic Was Planned With a Purpose Originally Posted at Stop World Control Also see Plandemic the Movie Medical doctors declare that the pandemic was planned A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1) ‘The Corona panic is … Click here to Read more

China Virus Death Hoax in the UK! Deaths in America are Hyped and False as well

YOU are being GASLIGHTED! No Ass Clown, I am NOT saying the Virus is not real. It obviously is as it was weaponized with the HELP of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. BUT it is NOT any more deadly than the Flu strains that THEY CREATE, and MUTATE! Millions of people world wide die … Click here to Read more

Signs of Human Intervention in the Chi-Comm’s Coronavirus

Austrian Study Finds ‘Sign Of Human Intervention’ In Coronavirus This is NOT NEW news? Bio-weapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle confirmed most of these points in an interview on The Alex Jones Show last month, (actually in late February!) arguing that the likelihood of the novel coronavirus outbreak originating from a biolab in Wuhan, China, was … Click here to Read more

Defector told of Russian and Chinese Germ Warfare in 1999

From the Fake News Communist Rag New York Times. Is this True? Even a broken clock gets it right 2 times per day! I preserve it here because we all know how they like to SCRUB stuff from the internet! April 5, 1999 Defector Tells of Soviet and Chinese Germ Weapons By WILLIAM J. BROAD … Click here to Read more