Pipe Bombs Staged in Washington D.C: Look for a False Flag Terror Attack Very Soon!

Look for a Major Terror Attack to happen. It will be a False Flag and they will use White Supremacist Patsies just like they used Timothy McVeigh to bomb the Oklahoma Federal building! Or it will be one like the Vegas Massacre! Big League Politics – Jack Posobiec reported that authorities had discovered a crate … Click here to Read more

We Need Criminal and Crazy Control, Not Gun Control

Hey People, nut cases don’t need a Gun to KILL! All they need is a Demented Mind!! They will use whatever device they can get. The U.K. has banned Guns yet the demented, Muslims mostly, grab a knife or run people down with a vehicle! They use suicide bombs as well! It is NOT a … Click here to Read more

Why did “Hero” of Vegas Massacre Surface on a Lesbian Talk Show?

If you were a Real Hero and wanted to get the Real Story out to the American people, wouldn’t you want to go on a Major News Outlet? Even the Fake News Outlets? Why would you go on a nothing, nobody comedy, entertainment, talk show that caters to Homosexuals and Lesbians? Here is the WHY! … Click here to Read more

Las Vegas Police Cover Up: Ban Independent Reporters from Attending Press Conference

It is Obvious from the last press conference, the Sheriff was distraught and confused. I believe he and his families live were threatened by the Controllers in the FBI and CIA! Inside Job by Don Henley Also see – Las Vegas Shooting Mystery: Injured Security Guard Disappears Ahead Of Planned Interviews, What Is Going On? … Click here to Read more

Reports and Intel is Las Vegas Shooter made ISIS Tape

A former Trump campaign official is making extraordinary claims he was leaked information from within the White House that Las Vegas massacre gunman Stephen Paddock made an ISIS propaganda tape and that authorities are refusing to reveal that the mass shooting was a terror attack.

Former Massachusetts Trump campaign official James Brower posted a series of tweets last night claiming he was leaked information about Paddock being inspired by ISIS to carry out the mass shooting.

“There is a video, this video will prove the motive. He had a secret digital profile that was uncovered over the last 24 hrs,” claims Brower.

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What Happens When You Whack a Bee Hive With a Stick?

Answer: When you whack any bee hive with a stick, everything from the inside comes out (except for the Queen and a few drones) and attacks with a vengeance beyond anything you have ever seen before! “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to … Click here to Read more

Forensic Psychiatrist: Gunman may have Deliberately Targeted Conservatives

Also says “CNN actually contributes to mass shootings”.

News Wars – As the motive behind Sunday night’s massacre in Las Vegas remains unclear, forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael Welner suggested that gunman Stephen Paddock may have deliberately targeted conservatives and that CNN was partly to blame.

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