CNN’s Chris Fredo Cuomo Wants Antifa and BLM to Murder White Children

CNN Declares Open Season On ‘White’ Kids: Genocidal Chris *Fredo* Cuomo Says When ‘White People’s Kids Start Getting Killed’ There Will Be Gun Reform   By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine Chris *Fredo* Cuomo took to the airwaves of CNN, where he is a host, and claimed that gun reform would only happened if “Your … Click here to Read more

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Gun Control

Understanding Biden’s 2020 Platform and the Second Amendment “You don’t need an AR-15. It’s harder to aim, it’s harder to use, and in fact, you don’t need 30 rounds to protect yourself.” Joe Biden Sam Jacobs | – The one-two punch of the Wuhan Coronavirus explosion, and the civil unrest of early 2020, led … Click here to Read more

Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam Stripped of Guns: Looney Tunes has gone Lunatic

Yep, the Lunatic Leftists have gone Looney! They are the Enemy’s of Humanity and will NOT STOP pushing their Lunatic Luciferian Agenda!! Yosemite Sam and Elmer Fudd are being stripped of their guns Neon Nettle – Looney Tunes has announced it is stripping guns from their popular cartoon characters Yosemite Sam and Elmer Fudd as … Click here to Read more

While you were Distracted and Sleeping, They are Coming to Take it Away!

While America is on Lock-down New Bill Proposes Strictest Federal Gun Control Measures Ever   Phillip Schneider   – While we’re all distracted by news about the coronavirus, lawmakers in Washington are attempting to sneak in one of the most draconian anti-gun bills that the country has ever seen. Titled the “Gun Violence Prevention and … Click here to Read more

Ban those Assault Knives!

FBI Report: Five Times More Murders With Knives Than Rifles Warren Mass | Zero Hedge – A recently released FBI report entitled “2018: Crime in the United States” broke down murder by types of weapons used. Looking at the data, we see that the number of murders carried out last year with knives or cutting … Click here to Read more

Muslim screaming Allahu Akbar goes on Stabbing Rampage

 Cops say it isn’t terrorism, search for motive Jihad Watch – “Police are investigating whether the alleged attacker, Mert Nay, 20, from Blacktown in the city’s west, had escaped from a mental institution. They do not believe it is a terror-related incident, and said the alleged attacker did not have links to any terrorist organisations … Click here to Read more

What do Mass Killers have in Common?

Proverbs 1:10-11 “My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.11 If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause:” MK Ultra and Mass Murderers    Mass Murderers and School Shootings What A Criminology Professor Learned By Studying Every Mass Shooting Since 1966 Via … Click here to Read more

We Need Criminal and Crazy Control, Not Gun Control

Hey People, nut cases don’t need a Gun to KILL! All they need is a Demented Mind!! They will use whatever device they can get. The U.K. has banned Guns yet the demented, Muslims mostly, grab a knife or run people down with a vehicle! They use suicide bombs as well! It is NOT a … Click here to Read more

Why won’t the MSM Talking Heads tell you about the Murdering Muslims around the World?

Answer: Because they can’t use it to push Gun Control here in America –  blame Trump for it – or push for internet censorship! They will NOT criticize their gods that they are using as pawns! Christian woman forced to watch Muslim terrorists butcher her husband But let a Nut Job, who may be a … Click here to Read more

Democrats and Republicans Joining Forces to Push Gun Confiscation

  (TMI) Is gun confiscation coming to Congress? The 2018 midterm elections produced a split Congress with Democrats gaining control of the House and Republicans gaining seats in the Senate. The chattering DC classes are already speculating about the Democrats’ plans to subpoena Trump’s tax records and Senate Republicans’ moves to consolidate their hold of the federal judiciary. But amid … Click here to Read more