Pipe Bombs Staged in Washington D.C: Look for a False Flag Terror Attack Very Soon!

Look for a Major Terror Attack to happen. It will be a False Flag and they will use White Supremacist Patsies just like they used Timothy McVeigh to bomb the Oklahoma Federal building! Or it will be one like the Vegas Massacre! Big League Politics – Jack Posobiec reported that authorities had discovered a crate … Click here to Read more

Fake News 2019: The Years biggest Hoaxes and Trump Derangement Disease in Review

Most Humiliating Examples Of MSM Fake News, Pushing Hoaxes And Trump Derangement Syndrome From Establishment Media In 2019 By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine In January 2019, Glenn Greenwald over at The Intercept did a fantastic job scathingly documenting “The 10 Worst, Most Embarrassing U.S. Media Failures on the Trump-Russia Story,” during President Trump’s … Click here to Read more

The Ku Klux Klan Antifa and the Communist Democrat Party

Democrats 150 Years Ago, The Ku Klux Klan Dreams Of A Comeback After Seeing How Fellow Terror Group ANTIFA Is Promoted By The Media Dressed up in scary costumes with hoods and masks, Ku Klux Klan members rode about at night threatening and frightening blacks. They demanded that blacks either vote Democrat or not vote … Click here to Read more