Communist Overlords Gather and Plan How to Combat Disinformation… ABOUT THEM!

This is the Great Reset, New World Order Minions making their plans to quell the rising up of the Serfs! You will obey your Overlords or else! Fighting ‘Information Disorder’: Aspen’s Orwellian Commission on Controlling Speech in America Written by Jonathan Turley  – The Aspen Institute has issued the results of its much heralded 16-person … Click here to Read more

RINO Mitch McConnell is an EMPTY SHELL! He IS a Pushmi-Pullyu! He IS Double-Minded!

As a Man, a Human Being, Turtle Mitch as he is known, is an Empty Shell. That Shell of a man is FULL of the DEVIL! James 1:8 “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James 4:7-8 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 … Click here to Read more

Fascist Book Aided and Abetted Antifa—Burn Loot Murder Terrorists in Planning Attack on the Capitol

And the Communist Bastards are still aiding them. You must know that the CIA helped Mark Zuckeberg set it up and make it into a Deep State Surveillance Platform! Calls For Facebook to Be Removed From App Store After Revelation Much of Capitol Hill Rioting Was Planned There Paul Watson | News Wars – Some … Click here to Read more

What Exactly is This Great Reset?

It is just word play for the New World Order. These Lunatic Communists even have a website called the Great Rest! Michael Snyder – The Internet sure has been buzzing about “the Great Reset” lately. That term has been trending on Facebook and Twitter, and the New York Times even published an article dismissing it … Click here to Read more

Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Trump is Purging the Deep State

Dr. Steve Pieczenik joins The Alex Jones Show to break down Trump’s actions against the out of control corrupt deep state operatives attempting to seize power away from the American people.

The Christopher Wray FBI Snow Job on Biden’s Laptop!

You may ask, why would the FBI hang onto possible evidence incriminating the Bidens for over a year only to acknowledge the laptop and now a second laptop seized in February after that information was reported by independent sources? New evidence points to multi millionaire FBI Director Christopher Wray, who was an attorney with King … Click here to Read more

The 2020 Election Bamboozle: We Are All Victims of the Deep State’s Con Game

John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the … Click here to Read more

73 Deep State Traitors Endorse the Communist Point Puppet Joe Biden and the Kept Woman

Trump Derangement Disease hits a Fever Pitch Hey Ass Clowns who post and use this article by News week. These Treasonous Traitors are NOT Republicans. They are R.I.N.O’s, Republican In Name Only pieces of trash. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing are, and always have been filthy Communist Democrat Trash! They are just like people … Click here to Read more

Pipe Bombs Staged in Washington D.C: Look for a False Flag Terror Attack Very Soon!

Look for a Major Terror Attack to happen. It will be a False Flag and they will use White Supremacist Patsies just like they used Timothy McVeigh to bomb the Oklahoma Federal building! Or it will be one like the Vegas Massacre! Big League Politics – Jack Posobiec reported that authorities had discovered a crate … Click here to Read more

Justice Department Opens Criminal Investigation into Origins of Russiagate

Will the Rats jump the Obama/Clinton Ship and will the Canary’s start singing?? Surveillance of Trump campaign officials now part of criminal inquiry Kit Daniels | InfoWars – The Justice Dept. probe into the origins of the Russia-gate fiasco is now an official criminal investigation, multiple outlets are reporting. The department has turned the administrative … Click here to Read more

MSM starting to ADMIT the Deep State the Shadow Government Exists!

Just like Gate Keepers Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the rest of the GOP boot lickers did with with the CFR, Bohemian Grove, and other Deep State Organizations!! If these Clowns did not protect them years ago, we would NOT be in the situation we are in today!!     NYT Shifts From ‘The Deep … Click here to Read more