The Demonic DNC: A House Divided!

Matthew 12:25-26 “And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: 26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?” You ARE seeing Satan battling himself. … Click here to Read more

Communist Jezebel Bitch Reveals Democrats True Path

Ocasio-Cortez Dismisses Fears Democrat Party Moving Too Far Left: ‘We Are Bringing the Party Home’ Breitbart News – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) dismissed the mounting concerns from establishment Democrats, who fear that she and presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are moving the Democrat Party “too far left,” asserting that the ultra-leftist movement is “bringing … Click here to Read more

Photographer of Fake News Photos Demands Removal of Images Showing Congresswoman Crying Over Nothing

Legal threat came after stunt was condemned as a misleading photo-op So she saw them with her own eyes huh?   She is rapidly becoming a leader of Fake News!!!     Paul Watson | Info Wars – The photographer who took the photos of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appearing to cry at a protest outside a … Click here to Read more

Collect Cow Farts to Save the Planet

Jon Bowne | Info Wars – Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wants you to submit to the New Bovine Fart Deal as a new study from a California University has taken on the very important work of collecting cow farts in AOC’s honor. The Green New Deal isn’t an example of full-blown ridiculousness, this is extremely serious … Click here to Read more

This Bumble won’t Bounce!

Remember the scene in Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer where Yukon Cornelius and his dogs pushed the Bumble over the cliff? Then towards the end he comes back and tells them “Bumbles Bounce”! Well these ASS CLOWNS (See them at link) are going over the cliff into the pit of HELL and there is NO bouncing … Click here to Read more