Evil Reigns Supreme Across America: George Soros Funded Antifa and Black Lives Matters Anarchists Wreak Havoc!

Make no mistake about it. These ARE the People who and being CONTROLLED by the Principalities, Powers, Rulers of Darkness and Spiritual Wickedness in High places WE CAN’T BREATHE: America Wakes To Stunning Carnage In Over 30 States As Tyranny And Anarchy Become Simultaneous For First Time In Our Nation’s History Police cars and government … Click here to Read more

Jeffery Epstein’s High Powered Customers Threaten Florida State Senator Investigating Sheriff

Florida State Sen. Receives Threats Telling Her To Back Off Epstein Case Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – Florida State Senator Lauren Book, a child sexual abuse survivor who has worked to pass strict sex offender laws in Florida, has received “countless phone calls” warning her to back off the Jeffrey Epstein case. “I’ve received … Click here to Read more

LAPD Officer Arrested trying to Smuggle Immigrants Across Border

SAN DIEGO (CBSLA) — A Los Angeles police officer has been arrested on federal charges alleging he tried to smuggle two illegal immigrants into the United States this week in southeastern San Diego County. Mambasse Koulabalo Patara has been charged with violating immigration laws, according to a federal complaint filed Wednesday. He was arrested early … Click here to Read more

Armed and Dangerous: If Police Don’t Have to Protect the Public, What Good Are They?

“To Protect and Serve” has become “To Pilfer and Enslave” – Jon Watkins 2012 Now don’t get me wrong, there are some very good people in law enforcement. But when evil minded men and women are involved and given a bit of power, things Can and do go awry, usually very fast! Just look what … Click here to Read more

Dirty Cop Busted Running Drugs, Protecting Drug Lords and Selling Police Beat Downs

TFTP – Los Angeles, CA — Kenneth Collins, a 15-year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, was arrested this week in an undercover FBI sting operation. Collins, along with three alleged accomplices were arrested and charged this week with conspiracy to distribute controlled substances. It turns out the drug traffickers were actually FBI … Click here to Read more

Seven Crooked Baltimore Cops Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges

(NBC News) Seven Baltimore police officers were indicted Wednesday for federal racketeering crimes ranging from filing false overtime claims while actually at a casino to robbing a driver during a traffic stop. One of the cops is facing a separate charge for drug distribution. Investigators said the crimes — some of them committed by some … Click here to Read more