The Mind Control Police Are On The Move

The Mind Control Police: The Government’s War on Thought Crimes and Truth-Tellers “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”— George Orwell John W. Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute – The U.S. government, which speaks in a language of force, is afraid of its citizenry. What we are dealing with is … Click here to Read more

Terrorist News Round Up for January 17 to January 30, 2020

Islam – Muslim – Jihad – Terrorist News Round Up ‘Jesus Came to Them in Dreams’: Scores of Muslims Converting to Christ in Iraq, Syria Given the recent interest in judging historical characters by their views on slavery, it bears mentioning that Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, owned and traded African slaves. Turkey Names Park … Click here to Read more

Terrorist News Round Up for January 3 to January 16, 2020

Islam – Muslim – Jihad – Terrorist News Round Up ‘Jesus Came to Them in Dreams’: Scores of Muslims Converting to Christ in Iraq, Syria Given the recent interest in judging historical characters by their views on slavery, it bears mentioning that Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, owned and traded African slaves. Boko Haram suicide … Click here to Read more

Terrorist News Round Up for December 27 to January 2, 2020

Islam – Muslim – Jihad – Terrorist News Round Up ‘Jesus Came to Them in Dreams’: Scores of Muslims Converting to Christ in Iraq, Syria Given the recent interest in judging historical characters by their views on slavery, it bears mentioning that Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, owned and traded African slaves. Muslim Extremists Rape … Click here to Read more

Terrorist News Round Up for December 20 to December 26, 2020

Islam – Muslim – Jihad – Terrorist News Round Up ‘Jesus Came to Them in Dreams’: Scores of Muslims Converting to Christ in Iraq, Syria Given the recent interest in judging historical characters by their views on slavery, it bears mentioning that Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, owned and traded African slaves. Cleric: The Quran … Click here to Read more

Terrorist News Round Up for December 13 to December 19, 2020

Islam – Muslim – Jihad – Terrorist News Round Up ‘Jesus Came to Them in Dreams’: Scores of Muslims Converting to Christ in Iraq, Syria Given the recent interest in judging historical characters by their views on slavery, it bears mentioning that Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, owned and traded African slaves. Muslim Terrorist Attack … Click here to Read more

Terrorist News Round Up for December 6 to December 12, 2020

Islam – Muslim – Jihad – Terrorist News Round Up ‘Jesus Came to Them in Dreams’: Scores of Muslims Converting to Christ in Iraq, Syria Given the recent interest in judging historical characters by their views on slavery, it bears mentioning that Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, owned and traded African slaves. Islamic Charity Involved … Click here to Read more

Terrorist News Round Up for November 29 to December 5, 2020

Islam – Muslim – Jihad – Terrorist News Round Up ‘Jesus Came to Them in Dreams’: Scores of Muslims Converting to Christ in Iraq, Syria Given the recent interest in judging historical characters by their views on slavery, it bears mentioning that Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, owned and traded African slaves. Mother Fled Iran … Click here to Read more

Terrorist News Round Up for November 22 to November 28, 2020

Islam – Muslim – Jihad – Terrorist News Round Up ‘Jesus Came to Them in Dreams’: Scores of Muslims Converting to Christ in Iraq, Syria Given the recent interest in judging historical characters by their views on slavery, it bears mentioning that Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, owned and traded African slaves. Iran Can’t Wait … Click here to Read more

What Exactly is This Great Reset?

It is just word play for the New World Order. These Lunatic Communists even have a website called the Great Rest! Michael Snyder – The Internet sure has been buzzing about “the Great Reset” lately. That term has been trending on Facebook and Twitter, and the New York Times even published an article dismissing it … Click here to Read more

Terrorist News Round Up for November 8 to November 21, 2020

Islam – Muslim – Jihad – Terrorist News Round Up ‘Jesus Came to Them in Dreams’: Scores of Muslims Converting to Christ in Iraq, Syria Given the recent interest in judging historical characters by their views on slavery, it bears mentioning that Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, owned and traded African slaves. China Has Arrested … Click here to Read more