The End Of The World As We Knew It

And the Majority Feel Fine! Remember that song? A Generation of Brown Shirts! No Relief In Sight: Food Prices Will Continue To Go Up  The End Of The World As We Knew It Has Already Happened, What Is Left Are Shortages, Outages, Anarchy And Chaos – Just Look Around At What Is Happening Right Now … Click here to Read more

Joe Biden And The New World Order

This Is No ‘Conspiracy Theory’ – Back In 1992, Biden Authored A Paper For The US Senate Titled ‘On The Threshold Of The New World Order’ By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die While according to Wikipedia and the ADL, the ‘New World Order’ (NWO) is a ‘conspiracy theory’ which hypothesizes … Click here to Read more

What Exactly is This Great Reset?

It is just word play for the New World Order. These Lunatic Communists even have a website called the Great Rest! Michael Snyder – The Internet sure has been buzzing about “the Great Reset” lately. That term has been trending on Facebook and Twitter, and the New York Times even published an article dismissing it … Click here to Read more

New York City to Ban Hotdogs?

These Communists have lost what is left of their minds! This is truly IGNORANCE GONE TO SEED!!! 2nd Corinthians 13:7 “Now I pray to God that ye do no evil; not that we should appear approved, but that ye should do that which is honest, though we be as reprobates.” Iconic food of the Big … Click here to Read more

Massive Indoctrination of Students at Universities Through ‘Transformative Civic Engagement’

What you will find in the intellectual ramblings  of this NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCHOLARS, is they are nothing more then god hating, Devil loving, Slave Masters and deviates,  hell bent on destroying most of the population of the planet. They are the Atheists who think THEY are Gods!

Breitbart News January 14, 2017 – Students at hundreds of colleges and universities are being systematically indoctrinated into the “New Civics” of social justice activism, according to a report released this past week by the National Association of Scholars.

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