The Commies at the W.H.O. Skip the Greek Letter that bares the Name of Xi Jinping in the Naming the New China Virus Variant

The World Health Organization announced Friday it was naming a new Covid-19 variant “Omicron,” skipping over the next ones in line Nu and Xi, which for the Commies, is a politically sensitive letter of the Greek alphabet. Why did they skip over Nu? Perhaps it is NOT a Variant and is a NEW plague they … Click here to Read more

What do a Goat, a Papaya and a Pheasant have in Common?

Well, they all Tested Positive for Covid-19! Nope, it is not a joke or satire! Be very afraid of farm animals along with fruits and vegetables. If they are showing symptoms such as a fever, cough, looking to green or ripe, well you best run away and keep your distance from them. I suggest you … Click here to Read more

Scientist Admits Vaccines Killing People

Top U.N. Scientist Admits Vaccines Killing People During ‘Vaccine Safety Summit’ Dr. Soumya Swaminathan publicly defended vaccine safety just days earlier Info Wars – A top scientists for the United Nations admitted in leaked video that vaccines are dangerous and are killing some individuals, just days after assuring the public that vaccines were one of … Click here to Read more