High-Ranking Military Commander Busted in FBI Child Sex Trafficking Sting

TFTP – A High-Ranking Air Force official was arrested this week and charged on multiple counts for attempting to have sex with a child. Cobb County, GA — Earlier this week, the FBI Metro Atlanta Child Exploitation Task Force held a sting to catch alleged sex traffickers and made multiple arrests in the process. During the … Click here to Read more

A Wicked Evil Fool is running London!

London Mayor Sadiq Khan Wants to Ban Cars from Parts of City to Prevent Terror Attacks Proverbs 29:2 “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”  This Muslim Fool has a long list of things to Ban that his Fellow Fools can get their filthy … Click here to Read more

Broward County Schools and Police Colluded to Shield Criminal Students

Clues about how Nikolas Cruz slipped through cracks are emerging Dan Lyman – Bombshell claims alleging collusion between Broward County law enforcement and the Broward school district to protect criminal students from arrests and disciplinary action have been leveled by a journalist familiar with the protocols in practice. According to information currently available, Parkland mass … Click here to Read more

Jezebel Muslim Linda Sarsour: A “Good Muslim” Can’t Commit Sexual Assault

This Jezebel has a hotter position in the Lake of Fire if she keeps this up and does not repent and renounce Islam!  Jihad Watch – The facts at hand presumably speak for themselves, but a trifle more vulgarly, I suspect, than facts even usually do. Asmi Fathelbab, a former employee of the Arab American … Click here to Read more

They are not Grrrrrreat anymore!

Kellogg’s Laying Off Another 278 Employees

Breitbart News – Troubled cereal giant Kellogg’s is continuing its reductions by shedding almost 300 more jobs, this time at facilities in New York.

A new round of layoffs was announced this week for New York, revealing that 278 employees will be losing their jobs at facilities in Batavia, North Syracuse, Johnson City, Binghamton, and Schenectady, the Democrat & Chronicle reported.

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Miami police officer accused of stealing from drivers he pulled over

He is a Prime Candidate for the CIA or one of the other Spook Criminal infested organizations! 

A rookie Miami police officer is behind bars (and probably out of a job) after he was arrested on charges of stealing from the people he pulled over.

Miami Deputy Police Chief Luis Cabrera said Saturday that Jose R. Acosta, who has been on the force for just under a year, was arrested Friday and charged with one count of armed burglary and one count of armed grand theft.

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Millions of Illegals Registered and Voted!

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

A large number of non-citizen Hispanics, as many as 2 million, were illegally registered to vote in the U.S., according to a nationwide poll.

The National Hispanic Survey provides additional evidence for use by anti-voter fraud conservatives and bolsters an analysis by professors at Old Dominion University who say non-citizens registered and voted in potentially large numbers.

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Go to Hell NFL?

Governor, Pastors to NFL on Bathroom Bill Threat: Don’t Mess With Texas

Christian Post  – A coalition of pastors known as the Texas Pastor Council that spearheaded the defeat of Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance, known also as the “Bathroom Bill,” is now taking aim at the National Football League after the organization threatened to make Texas pay if the state passes a proposed transgender bathroom law introduced last month.

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Roger Stone Poisoned with Polonium by the Clinton, Bush and Soros Cabal!

Former Trump adviser Roger Stone was recently targeted for assassination, he revealed on the Tuesday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
The renowned Republican operative says he’s usually very healthy, but became violently ill unexpectedly several weeks ago.“I am generally a healthy person. I have been a runner and a weight lifter. I am very careful in my diet. I’m a user of the Infowars supplements. I have been treated with acupuncture by perhaps the greatest acupuncturist in the state of Florida if not the United States,” Stone told radio host Alex Jones.

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Ben Garrison Cartoons

If you don’t know about the Cartoons of Ben Garrison, I would like to introduce you to him. See his website and his work here.  Ben Garrison Cartoons Here is one that tells it all about the Syrian debacle

Traitorous Jezebel’s and Judas’

“It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government” – Thomas Paine What we have in Government, in the Educational System, in Hellywood, in the Fake News Outlets, are a multitude of Ahab’s, Jezebel’s…….., the Traitorous Bitches and Bastards! And those Ahab’s and Jezebel’s are even  some YOUR own Family … Click here to Read more