Scenes from the 2022 Congressional Baseball Game

Communist Democrat Rep. Linda Sanchez from the Sodomy State California (Commifornia) flipped off the Republican bench as she Waddled past it during the 2022 Congressional Baseball Game. In the following video there are some differences in video taken. Can YOU spot the differences??  

Beware: Super Spreader Tic-Tok Lunatics are on the Loose!

Commie Lunatic Jewelsmarie39 on Tic-Tok wants to become a Super Spreader to INFECT UN-Vaccinated people!  The Jezebel can’t wait until she can get her Children Vaccinated ” all bets are off. You anti-vaxxers. All bets are off. All bets are uh yeah. “ ” if I can spread it unknowingly after that, um, I’m gonna … Click here to Read more

Remember this? Nasty Nancy Pelosi Praised Wisconsin State Storming as an ‘Impressive Show of Democracy’

Flashback: Nasty Nancy Pelosi Praised Capitol Storming as ‘Impressive Show of Democracy’ Niamh Harris | News Punch – After condemning the storming of the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hypocritical comments from 2011 have now come back to haunt her. Following the 2011 invasion of the GOP-led Wisconsin State Capitol, Rep. … Click here to Read more

The Great Disappearing Mailbox Hoax!

Another Democrat conspiracy theory “Trump is forcing the USPS to remove Mailboxes so You can’t vote” Tina Garrison – The real issue is the Democrats push for “cheat by mail” the only way they can steal the election! Just like all the other hoaxes they pushed in the last 3 1/2 years, the Great Mail … Click here to Read more

Pro-Antifa Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison Given Reins to Prosecute Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin

This man should not be in charge of anything!he is a Filthy Muslim too! Jon Bowne | Info Wars – Democrat Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who is marinated in white guilt and famously declared that white supremacists were behind the rioting and looting, has announced pro-Antifa scandal-riddled state Attorney General Keith Ellison will lead the … Click here to Read more

More Fake Reporting by the Lunatic Left!

Again, do as I say, not as I do! If you watch any of these, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC or read the Communist News Rags, then you are a Lunatic just like them! MSNBC Reporter Promoting Masks Busted Live On Air With Mask-less Cameraman ‘Half your crew’s not wearing them,’ bystander interjects An MSNBC … Click here to Read more

America Hating Nasty Nancy Pelosi and the Communist Democrat Cabal have been Exposed!

Nancy Pelosi And ‘The Democrat Cabal’ Have Shown Their True ‘America Hating’ Colors For The Entire Country To See The ‘Enemies Of America Within’ Will Lie To Our Faces Until They Can No Longer Speak By John C. Velisek – US Navy, Retired – All News Pipeline Nancy Pelosi succeeded in making a total fool … Click here to Read more

White House Petition to ‘Impeach Nancy Pelosi for TREASON’ Amasses 286,000 Signatures since January 2019

This Nasty Old Catholic Jezebel Harlot needs to go along with the rest of her demonic cohorts. Proverbs 9:13 “A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.” Proverbs 14:5 “A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.” News Punch – A White House petition demanding that Nancy … Click here to Read more

Let’s have that Dirt Jackal Joe!

I am sure they can add a bit of water and make it a mud pit. Then we can sit back and glean the details from the on going Clown show! Desperate Biden Warns Dem Rivals: I Got Dirt On All of You! – 2020 frontrunner considers going negative to boost sagging numbers Jamie White … Click here to Read more

Strange and Bizarre Behavior Manifesting from Democrat Politicians

Susan Duclos at All News Pipeline wrote an article… Something Very Strange Going On: Democrats Politicians Appear To Be Having Severe Mental And Physical Breakdowns. It is posted below with permission She asks the question “Has President Trump Broken Them?” Yes, in a way he has, but he is only the cause, the instrument if … Click here to Read more

The New 2020 DNC Slogan

 “If you like your Baby, you can keep your Baby”   Same thing the Muslim Obama said about Obama care and well…, we all know now that was a LIE Spawned from their daddy Lucifer!!   If these Communist Bastards (Hebrews 12:8) get control, you will have to get a PERMIT to have a child … Click here to Read more