What Are The Enemies of Humanity Going To Do Next?

Klaus Schwab is telling you what the future has in store! Warning: Major Cyber Attack may be the next event to happen! The global elite are telling you what they have planned next to bring you into submission. A terrifying warning from the World Economic Forum. Are you ready? “Pay insufficient attention, to the frightening … Click here to Read more

Drone Attack Against US Electricity Grid

Department of Homeland Security Reports First-ever Known Drone Attack Against US Electricity Grid Jamie White | News Wars – Last year, US authorities reported a series of incidents involving unidentified drones buzzing US infrastructure and military assets. However, none of the past reported cases were known to involve direct attacks on facilities or equipment. A … Click here to Read more

EMP Threat Is More Lethal To America Than Ever

Forget Covid, This Is What Could Bring America To Our Knees In Minutes: The Russian EMP Threat Is More Lethal To America Than Ever – The Russian Federation’s Military Doctrine, Plans, and Capabilities for Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack Story submitted to All News Pipeline by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, Executive Director of the EMP Task … Click here to Read more