Dr Death Anthony Fauci is AWOL

Where has Dr. Fauci gone? All of a sudden the fame addicted Vaccine Dictator has disappeared. Could it have something to do with the 55,000-page set of documents recently released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) revealing to the public the data Pfizer submitted to the … Click here to Read more

Admission that the China Plague was Created in a Lab!

Pfizer CEO Admits COVID-19 Created in Lab Jamie White | News Wars – Pharmaceutical executive covering for US government connection to gain of function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology.  Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admitted that his company manufactured SARS-CoV-2 in their labs for the development of mRNA vaccines rather than use a naturally-occurring coronavirus. … Click here to Read more

Dr Francis Collins an Anti-Christ Luciferian Wants to JAIL Conspiracists

Conspiracy Theory? No a Conspiracy FACT you Anti-Christ Devil! NIH Director Calls For COVID Conspiracists to be “Brought to Justice” For bombarding Fauci with negative messages. Paul Watson | Summit News – National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins has angrily called for anyone who spreads “misinformation” about COVID-19 online to be “brought to … Click here to Read more

Smoking Gun Documents PROVE Fauci Is A Liar And The Luciferian Plan

Fauci & Moderna Sent mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates to Wuhan Lab-Linked Doctor One Month BEFORE The COVID Outbreak Doctor infecting human tissue with bat viruses allowed to help create the “resolution” to the outbreak Kelen McBreen | Info Wars – Documents show Anthony Fauci’s NIH and pharma giant Moderna shared “mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates” with an … Click here to Read more

State Warns Moderna Vaccine Contains Deadly Poison! Plus Two Top CDC Health Officials Are Stepping Down

Connecticut Warns Moderna VAX Contains Deadly Poison Government Advisory Warns That The Gates Backed Moderna mRNA Gene Therapy Contains SM-102 Linked To Cancer, Infertility and Death This is only one of Hundreds of Government Advisories and University Backed Studies clearly demonstrating that the medical system of the west has premeditatedly created these Frankenshots to maim … Click here to Read more

Why Won’t Many of the CDC Doctors Take Doctor Death Fauci’s China-virus Vaccine?

Even The CDC Won’t Take Dr. Death’s Jab! Jon Bowne – How much more proof do you need? From the foolish and bamboozling mouth of Dr. “Death” Fauci himself! They have admitted that the majority of the NIH doctors and CDC employees setting the policies for the rest of us to take their dangerous and … Click here to Read more

PROOF the China Virus Was a Plandemic Back in 2017

Proof That the Pandemic Was Planned With a Purpose Originally Posted at Stop World Control Also see Plandemic the Movie Medical doctors declare that the pandemic was planned A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1) ‘The Corona panic is … Click here to Read more