Covid-19 the Great Scamdemic Part 2

Enabling The Technocratic-Parasite-Class’ “Great Reset” In Part 1 we defined the UK State and looked at the driving forces behind its lockdown response to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO’s) declared COVID 19 “global” pandemic. Please read Part 1 first to appreciate the context of this article. It appears that COVID 19 has been exploited to … Click here to Read more

Covid-19 the Great Scamdemic Part 1

In This Together – Among many similar globalist states, The UK State is a public-private partnership between government, financial institutions, multinational corporations, global think tanks, and well funded third sector organisations, such as so called non governmental organisations (NGO’s) and large international charities. Through a labyrinthine structure of direct funding, grant making and philanthropy, the … Click here to Read more

China Virus Death Hoax in the UK! Deaths in America are Hyped and False as well

YOU are being GASLIGHTED! No Ass Clown, I am NOT saying the Virus is not real. It obviously is as it was weaponized with the HELP of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. BUT it is NOT any more deadly than the Flu strains that THEY CREATE, and MUTATE! Millions of people world wide die … Click here to Read more