Brennan and Comey are Communists: Both Voted for Communist Party Candidates

Both Comey and Brennan Voted Communist While Cold War was Raging Zero Hedge – The heads of Obama’s FBI and CIA both voted for communists during the Cold War, yet were somehow able to move up the ranks within the same US intelligence community that had spent decades fighting that very ideology. Journalist Paul Sperry … Click here to Read more

If the Communists like Sessions then you KNOW he is one of them!

Will Trump put someone in who has a BIG Sack that will go after the Criminals and LOCK THEM UP! This did not take long! I agree with Michael and I would BET that it has been PLANNED all along with them KNOWING that Do Nothing Sessions would be ousted! You do not organize a … Click here to Read more

Obama Declared Martial Law/COG Provisions Before Leaving Office! Civil Emergency Still in Place

Trump Planning Mass Arrests, Military Tribunals for Deep State Traitors Comey, McCabe, Clinton and Obama in the administration’s crosshairs Mike Adams | Natural News – As the documents cited here clearly show, President Trump is planning to carry out mass arrests of deep state traitors, including Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Comey and even Barack … Click here to Read more

Trump: Bowling for Traitors

High Treason from the Swamp Creatures Ben Garrison – President Trump has demanded release and declassification of the FISA documents, and the Deep State is terrified. They know fraudulent evidence was used to illegally obtain the FISA warrant that allowed them to spy on Trump and his campaign. It also led to Mueller’s ‘Russia collusion’ … Click here to Read more

FBI probed for Election Interference

House Intel Committee investigates plot to stop Trump World Net Daily WASHINGTON – What began as an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election has now become a probe into how federal law enforcement conspired to stop Donald Trump from becoming president. The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has expanded its investigation that … Click here to Read more

High Level FBI Agents Discussed “Insurance Policy” to Stop Trump Winning the Election

“We can’t take that risk”. Paul Watson – Amidst the 10,000 text messages sent between anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page is a bizarre exchange revealing how the two, almost certainly with Deputy FBI Director Andy McCabe, discussed an “insurance policy” in case of Donald Trump winning the presidential election. “I want … Click here to Read more

Lock Them All Up: Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch Caught Talking to Clinton’s

DOJ releases 400+ pages of Lynch-Clinton emails – after Comey’s FBI said they didn’t exist

CNS News – The Department of Justice on Friday released 413 pages of emails related to a controversial private meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the FBI’s investigation into then-presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi emails. The FBI said earlier such records did not exist.

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Comey fingers Loretta Lynch: Pressured Me Over Clinton Investigation

It was the Obama administration, not Trump, obstructing justice

Jamie White |  – Former FBI Director James Comey said that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch asked him to minimize the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails by not calling it an investigation.

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Comey Lied to Congress About NSA Mass Surveillance of U.S. Citizens

Citizens include Donald Trump and Alex Jones

Jerome Corsi | – WASHINGTON, D.C. – The decision of a federal court to take the case of former contractor Dennis Montgomery advances the story reported in March that the National Security Agency illegally conducted surveillance of potentially millions of citizens for years, with a database that suggests both Donald J. Trump and Alex Jones were under unauthorized government monitoring.

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Clinton Operative James Comey Planted Inside FBI as Fixer for the Clinton’s

Traitor and Former FBI Director James Comey made sure the Crooked Clinton’s were never prosecuted!

Jerome Corsi | Infowars – WASHINGTON, D.C. – FBI Director James Comey is a Clinton-fixer with a long history of running interference within the Department of Justice to make sure the Clintons are never prosecuted – a loyalty that the Clintons have repaid in corporate board appointments that have earned Comey millions of dollars.

Early encounters: Whitewater and Marc Rich

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