If the Communists like Sessions then you KNOW he is one of them!

Will Trump put someone in who has a BIG Sack that will go after the Criminals and LOCK THEM UP! This did not take long! I agree with Michael and I would BET that it has been PLANNED all along with them KNOWING that Do Nothing Sessions would be ousted! You do not organize a … Click here to Read more

Obama Declared Martial Law/COG Provisions Before Leaving Office! Civil Emergency Still in Place

Trump Planning Mass Arrests, Military Tribunals for Deep State Traitors Comey, McCabe, Clinton and Obama in the administration’s crosshairs Mike Adams | Natural News – As the documents cited here clearly show, President Trump is planning to carry out mass arrests of deep state traitors, including Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Comey and even Barack … Click here to Read more

Trump: Bowling for Traitors

High Treason from the Swamp Creatures Ben Garrison – President Trump has demanded release and declassification of the FISA documents, and the Deep State is terrified. They know fraudulent evidence was used to illegally obtain the FISA warrant that allowed them to spy on Trump and his campaign. It also led to Mueller’s ‘Russia collusion’ … Click here to Read more

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Former Attorney General Lynch could Face 5-10 Years in Prison

Senate probes improper communication between former AG and Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Adan Salazar | Infowars.com – Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch could be jailed for up to ten years if found guilty of misconduct, Judge Andrew Napolitano claimed Monday.

If emails exist between Lynch and former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz improperly discussing the Clinton email investigation, the former attorney general could be charged with “misconduct in office,” a felony carrying five to ten years in jail, the Fox Business contributor stated.

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Clinton Operative James Comey Planted Inside FBI as Fixer for the Clinton’s

Traitor and Former FBI Director James Comey made sure the Crooked Clinton’s were never prosecuted!

Jerome Corsi | Infowars – WASHINGTON, D.C. – FBI Director James Comey is a Clinton-fixer with a long history of running interference within the Department of Justice to make sure the Clintons are never prosecuted – a loyalty that the Clintons have repaid in corporate board appointments that have earned Comey millions of dollars.

Early encounters: Whitewater and Marc Rich

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FBI Email Exposes AG Lynch Promise to Protect Clinton from CRIMINAL CHARGES

Virtually unnoticed by the majority of corporate media, on Wednesday — in a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the FBI’s oversight of an investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails — Director James Comey revealed a murky effort as outlined in an undisclosed document by Attorney General Loretta Lynch or her associates to ensure the former presidential candidate would not be charged.

No matter what was divined during that investigation, this peculiar document apparently evinced the thwarting by Lynch and associates of any effort to hold Clinton accountable.

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Former TOP Law Official of America calls for Riots, Blood and Death in the Streets!

Why is she and others not indited and Jailed? Because the Swamp is NOT Drained and the Swamp Creatures are fighting hard. They are like rabid dogs who know they are about to be PUT DOWN!! The ones with the loudest mouths ARE the Crooks, Criminals and PEDOPHILES!!!!!!

You must stand up for Truth and Justice. DO NOT COWER or back down from these Criminals.

WASHINGTON – The Obama administration’s former Attorney General Loretta Lynch has made an impassioned video plea for more marching, blood and death on the streets – a video that was later posted on the Facebook page of Senate Democrats as “words of inspiration.”

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