Dirty Donna Brazile Hates Roger Stone too

Hey folks we need your Help!! Click Here Dirty Donna Brazile Attacks Roger Stone: ‘Go to F*cking Jail, I Hope He Roasts in Hell’ Jezebel’s flock together: Meghan McCain Upset with my response to her Tweet telling Roger Stone to “Rot in Hell” Fox News contributor Donna launched a vitriolic tirade against Stone Neon Nettle … Click here to Read more

Dirty Donna Brazile admits she is a Tranny!

Told the lesser males to put “dicks out on the table and see who’s got the bigger one, because “I know mine is bigger than all of yours,” Donna Brazile Says Top Clinton Aides Were Sexist Towards Her Breitbart News – Former interim Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile said she experienced sexism from Hillary … Click here to Read more

Breaking News: Former DNC chair Dirty Donna Brazile works for the Russians

Well, according to Crooked Hillary’s Campaign! Just like the Muslims they love and import, the dogs have finally turned and are attacking each other! PRAISE GOD! Hillary TOOK OVER the DNC according to Dirty Donna Brazile! Clinton Campaign Officials Made Her Feel Like “Patsey The Slave” Dirty Donna does not want to be Arkancided! Donna … Click here to Read more

Dirty Donna Brazile’s attempt to walk back ‘rigging’ bombshell gets blown up by her own book

Don’t ya just love a good comedy? I can’t wait till the end of the movie. But I think I have a good idea how it’s gonna end! Donna Brazile: Felt like a Slave and considered replacing Clinton with Biden as 2016 Democratic nominee Breaking News: Former DNC chair Dirty Donna Brazile works for the … Click here to Read more

Dirty Donna Brazile: Sending Crooked Hillary Clinton questions is a ‘mistake I will forever regret’

Dirty Donna is NOT sorry or regretful! NO……, she regrets getting caught! This Jezebel of of a woman is Vial, Wretched, and without a conscience or she would not be cozying up to other Vial and Wretched Women! Prove it Dirty Donna, spill the beans on your criminal cohorts if you have had a change … Click here to Read more

Breaking News: Dirty Donna Brazile caught passing Fake Results to Beatty and Dunaway before Oscars!

This reporter has learned from inside sources that Former DNC Chair Dirty Donna Brazile was seen passing an envelope to Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway during rehearsal the day before. Sources also said they saw what looked to be persons in the shadows resembling Hillary Clinton and John Podesta. As one source got closer Zee … Click here to Read more

Daily Election Interference News 11/10

“It’s not who votes that counts. It’s who counts the vote.” – Joseph Stalin   And right now, Communist Democrats are counting the votes! STOP the STEAL Democrats are Liars Cheats and Thieves Just remember Folks, (and you Communists), this has happened once before! Al Gore was President-Elect for 37 Days…., then he LOST!!! Psalms 94:3 … Click here to Read more

I was Gang Raped by Three UN-Named Female Democrat Women

Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Mad Maxine Waters, and Dirty Dianne Feinstein Gang Raped me in 1901 while I was on a trip to Mars in the Wright Brothers plane with them! Bimbo Barbra Boxer was there also but I can’t verify because she is sick and deranged at the moment! Krazy Kamala Harris heard about it … Click here to Read more

SHOCKING! A Blast of Electricity can make you RE-LIVE your Dreams or your Nightmares!

Psalms 4:8 “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.” This must be the reason why Leftists and RINO’s, you know……. the Swamp Creatures, are in another reality. I bet they found out about this, and……, like being an addicted Crack Whore, are sticking … Click here to Read more

Poor Sick Hillary Clinton Propped Up At Book Signing in Austin TX

Kit Daniels – Hillary Clinton, wearing a medical boot, was physically lifted from a car for a book signing in Austin, Texas, underscoring her numerous health issues and why she likely won’t run for president in 2020. Footage shot by Infowars reporters Millie Weaver and Gavin Wince reveals that Clinton, 70, is just as fragile … Click here to Read more

Mass Saudi Arrests in Corruption Crackdown and Discovery of Two New Sealed Indictments

The Dam Is Breaking On Hillary Clinton By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine Some huge news coming out this weekend, which ties directly into what may be the biggest scandal yet to hit Hillary and Bill Clinton directly on the heels of three major scandals in the last three weeks alone, including the Uranium … Click here to Read more