The Youtube Google Entities are Communist Luciferians and Enemies of Humanity

  By the Way, Facebook, Twitter, Parler are no better. They are Run by the Disciples of Satan! Youtube CEO Susan Wojcicki scuttles around drawing in her prey so that she can suck the life out of free speech. The Web of Youtube has more than one billion users who watch more than one billion … Click here to Read more

Big Mike Obama Wants the Over-lords to Ban President Trump Permanently

Big Mike to Big Tech: Ban Donald PERMANENTLY Adan Salazar | News Wars – Social media companies need to work together to keep President Donald Trump off their platforms, former First Lady Man Michelle Michael Obama said in a statement. Condemning the events that unfolded Wednesday at the US Capitol, the wife of former US … Click here to Read more

WHO Europe Director Says Governments Should Stop Enforcing Lockdowns

Paul Joseph Watson | Info Wars – The World Health Organization’s Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge says governments should stop enforcing lockdowns, unless as a “last resort,” because the impact on other areas of health and mental well-being is more damaging. In an interview with Euro News, Kluge cautioned against the imposition of more … Click here to Read more

Congressman Matt Gaetz Files Criminal Referral Against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Congressman Matt Gaetz Files Criminal Referral Against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg The Bastards (Hebrews 12:8) have banned two of my domains from being shared! This one and this one.  No reason or warning at all! Social media chief accused of perjuring Congress over mass censorship of conservatives Info Wars – Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz (R) … Click here to Read more

The Luciferian’s don’t want you knowing this bit of Info

Fascist Book and the Chicom’s don’t want you seeing this News! I tried to share a news story recently on face book only to get this notice: I copied and pasted the article here on my website thinking it just might get through from a different domain. NOPE!! Same message as above. They are scared … Click here to Read more

YouTube Bans another Christian Channel

Josh Peck Daily Renegade Channel Banned Ray Gano – If you did not hear… Josh Peck’s Daily Renegade has been banned on You Tube from uploading any more videos as well as demonetized; meaning they cannot earn money from advertisers. BUT…does that stop You Tube from advertising on their videos? Nope… adds still run, but … Click here to Read more

Ray Gano: I think Facebook Tagged Me as an Agent of Hate

Welcome to the Club Ray!!! Ray Gano – Just the other day I go the following message from one of my Facebook friends … “Wow, I went onto your fb page for the first time in a while and am now being blocked from even clicking Like on other’s posts. Tried to post a YouTube … Click here to Read more