Could it be that Canadian Soy-Boy Punk Justin Trudeau is a Bastard Spawn of Communist Fidel Castro?

They sure look alike! Justin Trudeau is a Bastard Spawn of some Communist! Like Castro, Canadian prime minister has transformed his country into a dictatorship — but there are other more compelling similarities. And if you did not know, the Sins of a Father are handed down to his offspring! Its where the saying “Like … Click here to Read more

Communist Overlords Gather and Plan How to Combat Disinformation… ABOUT THEM!

This is the Great Reset, New World Order Minions making their plans to quell the rising up of the Serfs! You will obey your Overlords or else! Fighting ‘Information Disorder’: Aspen’s Orwellian Commission on Controlling Speech in America Written by Jonathan Turley  – The Aspen Institute has issued the results of its much heralded 16-person … Click here to Read more

RINO Mitch McConnell is an EMPTY SHELL! He IS a Pushmi-Pullyu! He IS Double-Minded!

As a Man, a Human Being, Turtle Mitch as he is known, is an Empty Shell. That Shell of a man is FULL of the DEVIL! James 1:8 “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James 4:7-8 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 … Click here to Read more

The Youtube Google Entities are Communist Luciferians and Enemies of Humanity

  By the Way, Facebook, Twitter, Parler are no better. They are Run by the Disciples of Satan! Youtube CEO Susan Wojcicki scuttles around drawing in her prey so that she can suck the life out of free speech. The Web of Youtube has more than one billion users who watch more than one billion … Click here to Read more

Fox News Is NOT a Conservative Organization

Correct! They are GATE KEEPERS for the R.I.N.O’s and the N.W.O Deep State! They are a Den of Ahab’s and Jezebel’s! See that proof below John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the … Click here to Read more

Hey Filthy Communist Leftists: We Are Americans Not Far-Right Extremists

The establishment continues to portray patriots as extremists It has gone on long enough… The left has increasingly branded everyone in America that doesn’t agree with their narrative with every bigoted title under the sun. In particular, the left as they are comfortable calling themselves, have thrown a wide net over the rest of America … Click here to Read more

How Do the Current Communist Rulers of America Define Domestic Terrorism Now That They Have SEIZED Control?

Yep, according to them,  I and more like-minded folks are Terrorists and are on the Red List for Extermination! It’s really not new. They have been calling Patriots “Domestic Terrorists” for decades. Anyone who resists the Communist/Atheist Agenda is a Terrorist! They Have Come Up With Some Ominous New Definitions For What Constitutes “Domestic Terrorism” … Click here to Read more

Chip off the Old Block: A Senator with some Balls!

Rand Paul Calls for Massive Civil Disobedience Against the New World Order: ‘RESIST. They Can’t Arrest Us All’   News Punch – Senator Rand Paul has called on Americans to resist the unconstitutional lockdowns, mandates and harmful policies being imposed by the ‘New World Order’ elites. In an op-ed for Fox News, Rand Paul declared: … Click here to Read more

Where is the Lame Stream Media Presstitutes on Crack Head Hunter Biden

Joe Biden Denounces Crack While Hunter Smokes Pipe For Breakfast Where’s the media coverage? A split screen video of Joe Biden speaking in favor of harsh punishments for possessing crack cocaine while his son Hunter Biden smokes a pipe for breakfast has gone viral. Meanwhile there is zero media coverage of the latest embarrassing footage … Click here to Read more

Donald Rumsfeld Dead: Tormented In A Special Place IN HELL Along With George H.W Bush Traitor John McCain and Wicked Witch Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Another War Criminal and all around no good Bastard (Hebrews 12:8) has finally gotten what he deserves.There may be a .001% chance that he repented, but we will just have to wait until the Lord returns to find out for sure! See info on George H.W Bush – Traitor John McCain and Wicked Witch Ruth … Click here to Read more

History Does Repeat!

Did we just perform a Time Warp Maneuver and go back to the 70’s? Spock did NOT program the breaking thrusters right! More than 1,000 gas stations run out of fuel ‘We know that we have gasoline; we just have to get it to the right places,’ she said.  I wanted to go back, but … Click here to Read more