Evidence Shows United States Military Involved in Bio-Weapon Labs in the Ukraine

Russian Embassy Claims US Filled Ukraine With Bio-Labs To Genetically Target Russians Russians accuse America of engaging in research to ‘destroy the Russian people at the genetic level’ Kelen McBreen | News Wars – A CNN affiliate in Southeastern Europe claims the Russian Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina made bold accusations directed at the United … Click here to Read more

Ukraine is Fighting for the NEW WORLD ORDER!

The Truth Comes Out about the War between Russia and the Ukraine. As I always say, just wait a few days and the Poop will Float out of the Sewer! Ukrainian MP Kira Rudyk – “We not only fight for Ukraine, we fight for this NEW WORLD ORDER, for the Democratic Countries. We knew we … Click here to Read more

The Mandating Of Psychotic Communist Democrat Authoritarianism

I did a title change of the original to portray what they really are…, Communist Democrats! Just like the Luciferians, Satanists and Witches who hijack the things of God and Christians, that is what the Communist Democrats do. After all, that is what the ranks are filled with, Luciferians, Satanists, Witches…, who are also Homosexuals, … Click here to Read more

Know Thy Enemy: A look into the documentary MONOPOLY Who Owns the World

Psalms 9:3 “When mine enemies are turned back, they shall fall and perish at thy presence.” For those with eyes to see, humanity is currently under attack by a deadly foe. To find out who that foe is, one must only follow the money. To learn more, check out the documentary MONOPOLY: Who Owns The … Click here to Read more

The Supply Chain is Collapsing Across America

The planned collapse of America is underway and “Resident” Biden is going to manage to ruin the holidays! Listen to this quick 4:44 video   Jon Bowne | News Wars – The economy, much like the global supply chain, is showing signs that it may be about to come to a grinding halt. China ran … Click here to Read more

The Peter Daszak Eco Health Alliance Ruse

The Peter Daszak Eco Health Alliance ruse is disintegrating after the smoking gun was discovered. In fact The chairman of the Lancet COVID-19 origins task force tied to Peter Daszak and Eco Health Alliance just disbanded. But will Congress properly address it without it just becoming a debate between the scientific jargon of researchers? And … Click here to Read more

Canada Adopts Chinese Social Credit System. Who is Next?

It won’t be long before they roll it out here in America! I guarantee you they have it ready to go just like they did the Patriot Act prior to 911! The Bastard Luciferians (Hebrews 12:8) in charge are just chomping at the bit to usher it in… Officially! It is pretty much in place … Click here to Read more

Chip off the Old Block: A Senator with some Balls!

Rand Paul Calls for Massive Civil Disobedience Against the New World Order: ‘RESIST. They Can’t Arrest Us All’   News Punch – Senator Rand Paul has called on Americans to resist the unconstitutional lockdowns, mandates and harmful policies being imposed by the ‘New World Order’ elites. In an op-ed for Fox News, Rand Paul declared: … Click here to Read more

Domestic Terrorism Bill: They Are Using 1/6 The Way They Used 9/11!

And that Folk’s, is to usher in total control over everyone who does NOT bow to Baal, the Luciferians! “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Rahm Emanuel “Coronavirus an ‘Incredible Opportunity’ to ‘Fundamentally … Click here to Read more

The Invasion and Overthrow of America from Within!

More Evidence The ‘Invasion And Overthrow Of America’ Is Being Orchestrated By Our Own, Corrupt Elite Who Have, In Effect, Declared War Upon Our Nation – If We Don’t Fight Back We Will Be Impoverished, Enslaved, And Exterminated By William B Stoecker – All News Pipeline Immigration, both legal and illegal, is destroying America. We … Click here to Read more

The Bohemian Grove

This appears as one article written by Alex Newman at the New American. I have broken it down into 3 parts: Deep State and Secret Societies: The Illuminati Part 1 – Skull and Bones Brotherhood of Death Part 2 – The Bohemian Grove Part 4 and then I added The Masons The Bohemian Grove Another … Click here to Read more