600 Pound Burn-Loot-Murder Hog: Whites are Racist and not Human!

I am at a loss for words on this one, so I will let Scripture and herself say it all! Isaiah 32:5-8 “The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful. 6 For the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy, … Click here to Read more

Innocent Raccoon is a Victim of White Privilege and Racism!

#RacconsLivesMatter Will we see masses of Raccoon’s taking to the streets turning over trash cans, hijacking garbage trucks, looting the meat and egg isles at grocery stores? Will me see Opossums, Rats, Squirrels and Chipmunks, Wood Chucks and other rodents descend on cities demanding justice for Rocky the Raccoon? They just might start attacking White … Click here to Read more

DUH! World’s Top Epidemiologists: Masks Don’t Work!

Those Dust masks you buy at the Home Improvement Store—They don’t even keep the damn dust out of your nose and mouth when doing construction demolition!  So how in the HELL can a flimsy cloth mask filter out a microscopic virus when it can’t stop a dust particle you can see with the naked eye, … Click here to Read more

Austin City Council Lunatic wants to Blow Up the Police Station to Appease Black Lives Matter and Antifa

Austin City Council Officially Calls for Blowing Up Police Station As Symbol of Ending Police Hate Soros-funded Marxist program marches forward, new city attorney funded by Adan Salazar | Info Wars – A radical new budget proposal by the Austin, Texas, City Council calls for a controlled demolition of the police department’s current headquarters in … Click here to Read more

Elite Privilege: Hypocrites Extraordinaire!

I just could not resist putting in my 2 cents after this great cartoon and commentary by Tina Garrison Do as We say, Not as we do Tina Garrison – Elite Privilege. You are the “little brains” that the elite need to control and look after and make sure we lead the lives they have … Click here to Read more

Kanye’s Millions

Anyone remember the movie “Brewster’s Millions” starring Richard Pryor? Well ole Kanye West announces he’s running for president. Kanye West announced on Twitter Saturday that he is running for president . “We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future. I am running for president of … Click here to Read more

Mad Maxine Waters has made an Ass out of Herself Again

Nutcase Maxine Waters Argues That The Term ‘Rioting’ Is Racist “I choose to call it an insurrection.” Steve Watson | News Wars – In the wake of inner city looting and rioting across America, including destruction of people’s businesses and property, as well as violence against police and everyday Americans, Democratic rep. Maxine Waters has … Click here to Read more

Communist Democrats Riot all across the Country and Attack Fellow Communists CNN Headquarters in Atlanta

Democrats Descend On Cities Across America To Exact Vengeance Over George Floyd’s Death Democrat MOB RIOTS in Houston Democrats destroy $30M St.Paul affordable-housing project Minneapolis Burning: Democrat Yells “Shoot the White Folk!” Communist Democrats in Minneapolis Burn Down Post Office Democrat Mob Chases and Harasses Fox News Crew Off the Air Democrats Torch Police Van … Click here to Read more

More Fake Reporting by the Lunatic Left!

Again, do as I say, not as I do! If you watch any of these, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC or read the Communist News Rags, then you are a Lunatic just like them! MSNBC Reporter Promoting Masks Busted Live On Air With Mask-less Cameraman ‘Half your crew’s not wearing them,’ bystander interjects An MSNBC … Click here to Read more

Breaking Trump News: Expected Side-Effect from taking Hydroxychloroquine! This is Bad Folks, Really Bad!

This breaking news was totally predicted and expected. The Chart, (we all know about charts right) has shown the curve will continue a sharp upward turn! Some expected side-effects has caused severe, long lasting brain damage as a result of the President taking hydroxychloroquine. It may even result in Suicide! He was warned of the … Click here to Read more

Millions Flooding in to the UK despite Covid-19 Lock Down!

18 Million People Entered the UK as the Coronavirus Pandemic Was Raging Barely any of them had to undergo health screenings. Paul Watson – 18 million people entered the UK in the three months before lockdown with hardly any of them undergoing health screenings or being put into quarantine, it has been revealed. “Only 273 … Click here to Read more