Biden’s New Lunatic in Charge of Nuclear Waste

Meet The Drag Queen Biden Just Put In Charge Of Nuclear Waste New deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Energy Department’s Office of Nuclear Energy Sam Brinton (standing, in dress). Welcome To Weimar America  Politico reported today that Sam Brinton has been appointed the new deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in … Click here to Read more

Globalist Stooge Joe Biden Again Warns of a Dark Winter

Deep State Code Words For A Bio-Warfare Attack Upon America Also take a look at this info! WHO is Watching the Watchers? Death Delivered To The Front Door Being Rolled Out In America By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die With Democrats now in control of the national political apparatus … Click here to Read more

Joe Biden And The New World Order

This Is No ‘Conspiracy Theory’ – Back In 1992, Biden Authored A Paper For The US Senate Titled ‘On The Threshold Of The New World Order’ By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die While according to Wikipedia and the ADL, the ‘New World Order’ (NWO) is a ‘conspiracy theory’ which hypothesizes … Click here to Read more

China Joe Biden Lover of Antifa and Burn Loot Murder Calls Patriots Domestic Terrorists

The Communist Bastard, China Joe Biden is Projecting once again. Psalms 38:19 “But mine enemies are lively, and they are strong: and they that hate me wrongfully are multiplied. 20 They also that render evil for good are mine adversaries; because I follow the thing that good is.” Biden Calls Trump Supporters ‘Domestic Terrorists’ While … Click here to Read more

The New World Order is About to Be Delivered By Ahab Joe Biden and Jezebel Kamala Devi Harris

IF, they in fact have the election handed to them BY the New World Order Advocates! As of November 23, 2020, “the Fat Lady has not sung yet”! The End Times New World Order Promised to Us by George H.w. Bush is About to Be Delivered Through a Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Presidency Two … Click here to Read more

American Patriots vs Communist Bastards!

The Deep State vs the Deep Country   T Saker | – I need to begin with the obvious: in spite of all the deep state, propaganda and “deep empire” (transnational) resources being used to declare that “Biden” (i.e. Harris) has won, as of right now nobody knows who got most votes and where. … Click here to Read more

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Gun Control

Understanding Biden’s 2020 Platform and the Second Amendment “You don’t need an AR-15. It’s harder to aim, it’s harder to use, and in fact, you don’t need 30 rounds to protect yourself.” Joe Biden Sam Jacobs | – The one-two punch of the Wuhan Coronavirus explosion, and the civil unrest of early 2020, led … Click here to Read more

Now it is The Hoe and Joe! Harris-Biden Administration

The brain damage in Joe has taken its toll, and the Lord has opened the mouth of the Ass and the real agenda is spewed forth!   Joe Biden Pitches ‘Harris-Biden Administration’ to Florida Veterans Former Vice President Joe Biden pitched U.S. military veterans on the notion of a “Harris-Biden administration” on Tuesday afternoon during … Click here to Read more

Your Mail-In Ballot is NOT Safe in the Hands of Idiots

Willie Brown’s Hoe has “Great Faith” in the Postal Service, But I DO NOT! Post Office Warns 46 States It Cannot Handle a Surge in Ballots I will give you two examples as to WHY I don’t have any faith in them or my Local County Clerks office. I say they are Incompetent, Inept and … Click here to Read more

The Ford Foundation that is Actively Funding Black Lives Matter and Antifa Terrorism across America

Organization funding BLM, Antifa terrorism linked to Biden campaign Ethan Huff – George Soros often gets the blame for funding much of the agitation in our country that leads to chaos, looting and rioting for “social justice.” But two other individuals who also deserve blame are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, both of whom are … Click here to Read more

What is Sarah Palin so worked up about? She SHOULD Call a Spade a Spade!

The Fake News Twists words to their liking so it does not matter. Tell the Truth and let the leaves fall where they may! Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”  Sarah Palin Blasts ‘Lying Scum Media’ for Falsely Accusing Her of Saying Kamala Harris ‘Prostituted’ Herself Former … Click here to Read more