America Is Now Just Nine Meals Away From Anarchy

Massive Civil Unrest PROVOKED on Purpose Mike Adams | Natural News – Mass famine has been engineered into the coordinated takedown of the United States of America, and it’s already too late to reverse it. Widespread food scarcity is already “baked in,” so to speak, and now it’s only a matter of time as the … Click here to Read more

The Youtube Google Entities are Communist Luciferians and Enemies of Humanity

  By the Way, Facebook, Twitter, Parler are no better. They are Run by the Disciples of Satan! Youtube CEO Susan Wojcicki scuttles around drawing in her prey so that she can suck the life out of free speech. The Web of Youtube has more than one billion users who watch more than one billion … Click here to Read more

The Supply Chain is Collapsing Across America

The planned collapse of America is underway and “Resident” Biden is going to manage to ruin the holidays! Listen to this quick 4:44 video   Jon Bowne | News Wars – The economy, much like the global supply chain, is showing signs that it may be about to come to a grinding halt. China ran … Click here to Read more

YouTube Bans All Anti-Vaxx Activists & Anti-Vaxx Content

It’s what Communists/Nazi’s Do! If you can’t counter the Truth, Ban and Delete it! YouTube has announced it’s removing the channels of prominent anti-vaccine activists like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Joseph Mercola in a bid to suppress COVID vaccine hesitancy. The new policies will shift from censoring COVID vaccine “misinformation” to policing content … Click here to Read more

Canada Adopts Chinese Social Credit System. Who is Next?

It won’t be long before they roll it out here in America! I guarantee you they have it ready to go just like they did the Patriot Act prior to 911! The Bastard Luciferians (Hebrews 12:8) in charge are just chomping at the bit to usher it in… Officially! It is pretty much in place … Click here to Read more

Floyd Ray Roseberry: Another Staged Event by the FBI to USURP more Power over the Serfs!

The MSM dose not seem to be like flies on poop with this one. Why? You will see that the FBI was behind it like they always are. It’s a STAGED EVENT!! Wake up people!  “Patsy” Behind Capitol Threat Told Feds His “Bomb” Was “Built by Y’all’s People,” “The People Y’all Had in The Military” … Click here to Read more

History Does Repeat!

Did we just perform a Time Warp Maneuver and go back to the 70’s? Spock did NOT program the breaking thrusters right! More than 1,000 gas stations run out of fuel ‘We know that we have gasoline; we just have to get it to the right places,’ she said.  I wanted to go back, but … Click here to Read more

CNN’s Chris Fredo Cuomo Wants Antifa and BLM to Murder White Children

CNN Declares Open Season On ‘White’ Kids: Genocidal Chris *Fredo* Cuomo Says When ‘White People’s Kids Start Getting Killed’ There Will Be Gun Reform   By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine Chris *Fredo* Cuomo took to the airwaves of CNN, where he is a host, and claimed that gun reform would only happened if “Your … Click here to Read more

House Democrats Ask Biden to Relinquish Sole Authority to Launch Nuclear Weapons

They tried to claim Trump was incompetent, and we KNOW Biden is! How much you will you bet that if China Joe resists, they will 25th Amendment the idiot! News Wars – The president of the United States has the sole authority to launch nuclear weapons at any time and for any reason. While the … Click here to Read more

RED ALERT: The Department of Energy Blocked Texas From Increasing Power Output Before And During Deadly Storm

You had better turn off the TV, put down the phone,  get off your backside, and start PREPARING before it is too late!  Proverbs 6:6-9 “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: 7 Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, 8 Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her … Click here to Read more

Total Police State in America will be the New Normal

Unless YOU   do something, and tell the Bastards NO! Deprogramming, Defunding, De-platforming and Soon-to-be the Delousing of FEMA Camp Detainees Represents the New Normal Dave Hodges | Common Sense Show – It is easy to recall the works of the communist prophet, Obama, when he called for a civilian military force that “was just … Click here to Read more