A Shot in the Arm a Shot in the Head Either Way You End Up Dead! 

Resistance is NOT Futile Folks! Like the Borg, the Luciferian’s would have you think it is and give up! Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me Twice, Shame on ME!   Acts 5:29 “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.”  The Camels Nose got … Click here to Read more

Dr Francis Collins an Anti-Christ Luciferian Wants to JAIL Conspiracists

Conspiracy Theory? No a Conspiracy FACT you Anti-Christ Devil! NIH Director Calls For COVID Conspiracists to be “Brought to Justice” For bombarding Fauci with negative messages. Paul Watson | Summit News – National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins has angrily called for anyone who spreads “misinformation” about COVID-19 online to be “brought to … Click here to Read more

Communist Overlords Gather and Plan How to Combat Disinformation… ABOUT THEM!

This is the Great Reset, New World Order Minions making their plans to quell the rising up of the Serfs! You will obey your Overlords or else! Fighting ‘Information Disorder’: Aspen’s Orwellian Commission on Controlling Speech in America Written by Jonathan Turley  – The Aspen Institute has issued the results of its much heralded 16-person … Click here to Read more

Beware: Super Spreader Tic-Tok Lunatics are on the Loose!

Commie Lunatic Jewelsmarie39 on Tic-Tok wants to become a Super Spreader to INFECT UN-Vaccinated people!  The Jezebel can’t wait until she can get her Children Vaccinated ” all bets are off. You anti-vaxxers. All bets are off. All bets are uh yeah. “ ” if I can spread it unknowingly after that, um, I’m gonna … Click here to Read more

Fake News is Covering Up and Pushing the New World Order Rollout

Consider this Folks…. When you are deceived, you don’t know you are deceived! And that includes your beloved Fox Faux News Clowns! 2nd Thessalonians 2:11 “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”  Isaiah 66:4 “I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon … Click here to Read more

Fascist Book Censors Grieving Father Who Lost His Young Son

Father Whose Son Died From Vaccine-Induced Heart Inflammation Censored By Facebook Big Tech trying to silence family members who lost loved ones to the COVID injection. Ernest Ramirez, a grieving father who lost his son to the COVID injection, was censored by Facebook over the weekend following his interview with Alex Jones. Ramirez had tried … Click here to Read more

Hey Filthy Communist Leftists: We Are Americans Not Far-Right Extremists

The establishment continues to portray patriots as extremists It has gone on long enough… The left has increasingly branded everyone in America that doesn’t agree with their narrative with every bigoted title under the sun. In particular, the left as they are comfortable calling themselves, have thrown a wide net over the rest of America … Click here to Read more

Chip off the Old Block: A Senator with some Balls!

Rand Paul Calls for Massive Civil Disobedience Against the New World Order: ‘RESIST. They Can’t Arrest Us All’   News Punch – Senator Rand Paul has called on Americans to resist the unconstitutional lockdowns, mandates and harmful policies being imposed by the ‘New World Order’ elites. In an op-ed for Fox News, Rand Paul declared: … Click here to Read more

Where is the Lame Stream Media Presstitutes on Crack Head Hunter Biden

Joe Biden Denounces Crack While Hunter Smokes Pipe For Breakfast Where’s the media coverage? A split screen video of Joe Biden speaking in favor of harsh punishments for possessing crack cocaine while his son Hunter Biden smokes a pipe for breakfast has gone viral. Meanwhile there is zero media coverage of the latest embarrassing footage … Click here to Read more

Flip Flopping Fool Fauci: He’s a 4 F’er

James 1:5-8 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 7 … Click here to Read more

The End Of The World As We Knew It

And the Majority Feel Fine! Remember that song? A Generation of Brown Shirts! No Relief In Sight: Food Prices Will Continue To Go Up  The End Of The World As We Knew It Has Already Happened, What Is Left Are Shortages, Outages, Anarchy And Chaos – Just Look Around At What Is Happening Right Now … Click here to Read more